Laney College Tower Building

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

In the fall of 2017, Laney College embarked on a journey to explore and reaffirm its mission, vision and core values and establish goals for institutional achievement based on the Educational Master Plan adopted in 2016.  The Laney College Strategic Plan 2018-2023 is a five-year plan designed to guide college planning and institutional decision-making. The strategic plan provides a data portfolio of information regarding the students and communities the college serves, and identifies important trends that will impact instruction. The strategic plan also provides goals and objectives to use as the foundation for college planning for commitments-to-action at the individual, division, and department/program level.

The strategic plan has been informed by information from current quantitative and qualitative data solicited from students, faculty, classified professionals, management staff, and local community leaders. Approximately fifty (50) individuals participated over a two-day period involving listening sessions, in addition to a workshop focused on developing a mission statement, vision statement, goals, and objectives.  Through this process, the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, a college governance committee, developed five (5) goals and twenty-three (23) objectives to guide the college in educational, operational, and resource allocation decisions over the next five years.

After the college-wide and community listening sessions held in the fall of 2017, the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) met to further refine the draft vision and mission statements, and goals.  The drafts were then distributed to the campus community for review and comment.  After evaluating the campus feedback, the IEC solidified the vision, mission, and goals and created associated objectives and expected measurable outcomes to be further developed in the spring and fall of 2018. The College Council approved the final plan in March 2018.

Strategic Plan Chronology Laney College