Laney College



Once you have updated your website, chances are, you have a really cool classes/events section we’ll need to showcase to new and returning students.

There are several avenues to do this through:

  1. Laney PIO – Email blasts, social media, text message, share with community based partners.
  2. District – Announcements.
  3. Areas of Interest Coordinators – There are 8 additional Instagram accounts we can advertise on. Click here to view the coordinator for each area and their contact info.
  4. Your department’s social media – Not every department has social media, but many do! Send your content to your chair if you do and tag @LaneyCollege so we can repost.

Have an event planned? 

Make sure it’s on

I work from this calendar when creating email blasts and our social media calendar, and cannot rely on email for content.

Your department chair has access to WP and will be able to add your event to the website. Here are the steps to do so:

Laney’s weekly email blasts goes to roughly 12,000 students, and this include events & open classes. I use this verbiage to then create social media posts.

If you don’t already, follow us on:





Note, “” is included in video, TV commercials, TV ads, radio, social media ads, and mailers it is important that content is up-to-date, relevant and compelling.