
Reading Links

Reading is maybe the best thing you can do to develop as a writer — especially if you read at the speed of speech!

Here’s a shortcut link to thousands of poems, at a site searchable by author, title, subject, etc: POETS.ORG

Some recommendations:

Gwendolyn Brooks,

poems by ee cummings

Charles Bukowski, so you want to be a writer?


Here’s a list of recommended short fiction:

*Check out my favorite American short-story artist, Flannery O’Connor! — The first and last stories in this collection are UNFORGETTABLE! — WARNING: O’Connor reveals some UGLY characteristics of the people she knows well from growing up in the American South (near Atlanta, GA) in the ’30’s & ’40’s. Her characters are often racist; O’Connor herself should be seen as an ‘anti-racist’.–You can also watch a film of The Displaced Person — which begins at the 1:15 mark after an intro by Henry Fonda: 

*A funny, surprising non-fiction story by David Sedaris: Suggestion: Listen to Sedaris read the story with some playful (?) background music and his sister Amy speaking their brother’s dialogue:  — Explicit Language Advisory: The story is FULL of profane language — it’s one of the main reasons Sedaris wrote the story, in fact. If you find this offensive, please push through anyway, and see if the ending ‘redeems’ the story.

*A SERIOUS, deep story by James Baldwin about two black brothers in New York around 1950:

*A classic Jock London story with ALMOST NO DIALOGUE:

*Another American classic with perhaps TOO MUCH dialogue:

*A “sci-fi” story with socio-political overtones:— audio version:

*Two stories by Ursula Le Guin — America’s most bad-ass woman science-fiction writer:  &