Laney College

CIS 36A – Java Programming

CIS 36A – Java Programming

Course Description

Java is a standard language for developing machine-independent applications, especially for the Internet and for mobile applications. This course includes an introduction to object-oriented program design and an overview of the Java programming language.

The goal of this course is to teach the syntax of the Java programming language and the principles of professional-level programming. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to use Object-Oriented methods of software development.

The course is transferable to CSU and UC systems and meets AA/AS area 4c requirements.


The course is designed for students who already possess a working knowledge of microcomputers (i.e. completed CIS 1 or CIS 5) and experience or coursework in a programming language (an Introduction to Programming, such as CIS 6, or experience or coursework in C++, Java or Python).

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Solve Problems with Computer Programs: Interpret and analyze a business problem and design, code, compile, test, and debug a program solution in Java with proper program syntax balancing efficiency and maintainability, using object-oriented programming concepts to create applications solving business problems with classes and objects
  • Program Structure: Use data types to define variables and arrays, analyze and construct algorithms and translate to appropriate control structures of sequence, selection, and iteration, and design methods to structure programs into smaller, simply defined components
  • Development Tools: Use software development tools including editors, libraries, and compilers; Use a wide range of troubleshooting methods and tools to isolate and fix bugs and develop User Interface (UI) or program interaction to meet user requirements

Outline of Course Topics

  • Overview of object-oriented programming and Java language syntax
  • Java data types, operators, and control structures
  • Arrays and String objects
  • Methods/functions, recursion, and method overloading
  • Classes, objects, and encapsulation
  • Inheritance and polymorphism
  • Interfaces and packages
  • Exceptions, Input/output, and files
  • Graphical user interfaces and event handling

Weekly Course Schedule

This is the preliminary outline; it will adapt according to the circumstances. Always refer to Canvas for the most up-to-date information. Weekly Course Plan

Software Requirements

  • Java Development Kit (Kit): You need to download and install the current version of JDK to your computer in order to compile and run Java Programs.
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): The IDE of choice is Sublime Text Editor. Sublime Text can be obtained for free.
  • Command Line Interface (CLI): In this course, we will use the Command Line (Terminal for MAC and CMD for Windows) to compile and run our Java programs. Please make sure to learn basic commands to navigate the command line.
  • Greenfoot: We will also use the Greenfoot application to create interactive graphical Java simulations and games.

Required​ ​Textbook

Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction, 1st edition, by Herbert Schildt ISBN-13: 978-0078022074