Budget Advisory Meeting

Budget Advisory Committee


To support the effective oversight, management, and allocation of college funds to support Laney’s educational programs and services in accordance with Laney College’s mission and values.

The Budget Advisory Committee is charged with:

  • Reviewing general and categorical fiscal reports on a regular basis.
  • Recommending structures and procedures for budget planning and fund allocations that are consistent with agreed upon institutional priorities.
  • Recommending allocations of existing available funds that are consistent with agreed upon institutional priorities.
  • Monitoring College and District budget planning procedures and fund allocations.
  • Advocating for the necessary capital resources from the District and other funding sources for Laney to effectively support and carry out its educational mission.


  • Inform and engage the campus community in budget preparation and planning.
  • Evaluate and make recommendations as necessary for College and District budget preparation and planning.
  • Review fiscal reports and College spending to make recommendations as appropriate.
  • Review requests for resource allocations and make recommendations as necessary.
  • Ensure that resources are allocated in a manner to best support the College’s mission and Strategic Plan.


                    Seat       Appointment     Term
Chairs 1. Vice President of Administrative Services

2. Rotating Co-Chair: Classified, Faculty & Students (who has been a Committee member before)


Rotating Chair     determined by the    Committee 2 years for rotating chair post
Members 3 Faculty


 3 Classified


 3 Students


1 Administrator

Faculty Senate President

Classified Senate President


 ASLC President


College President

2 years (with possible renewal) for all positions–to be staggered as possible

(Revised September 27, 2018)