
Student Activities & Campus Life

Lavender ProjectUCRC

Student Government at Laney College handles the distribution of funding to the student body through special activities such as Clubs, Scholarships, and improvement of student resources.

Consider joining ASLC! Applications can be found HERE and position descriptions can be found HERE!

The Associated Students of Laney College (ASLC) are representatives of the student body that are dedicated to improving your experience at Laney College by:

  • Representing the student body by serving on Participatory Governance Committees
  • Facilitating communication among the student body, faculty, and administration.
  • Sponsoring clubs, organizations, programs, and campus events
  • Making Laney as safe and fun as possible.

Student Clubs at Laney College are organized by the Inter-Club Council which consists of one member of each active, chartered club. Participation in the ICC is a mandatory part of a club’s chartering status with the ASLC, and a good way to stay informed on what’s happening around campus. Are you interested in starting a club? Visit our Inter-Club Council HERE website for more information.



SLOs, Student Learning Outcomes.
  1. Students will become familiar with the continuous Campus Events and Campus and Community Resources.
  2. Students will become aware of and engaged in Student Clubs, and ASLC initiatives. 
  3. Students will become aware of how to advocate their ideas and share their ‘Student Experience’ via student forums and surveys.