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Counseling Laney

Make an appointment with a counselor ASAP to review if you're ready for a Certificate or Degree Evaluation Petition or to get assistance with updating your Student Education Plan (SEP) with the remaining requirements.

The deadline to petition to graduate has been extended to Friday, March 28th, 2025.

We will be closed on Wednesday, March 26th for department-wide meetings/conferences. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Laney College Counseling provides students with academic and career counseling necessary to successfully reach their goals. Counselors are available to help you develop a Student Educational Plan (SEP) of courses needed to reach a goal of an Associate’s degree, transfer to a four-year institution, or completion of a certificate; even if you’re unsure of your educational goal.

Schedule An Appointment For The Following Services:

  • Selecting classes for the upcoming semester(s)
  • Prerequisite clearance
  • One-semester Student Education Plans (SEPs) for academic advising
  • Comprehensive (2+ semester) Student Education Plans (SEPs) for academic advising
  • Career and major exploration and assessment
  • Personal or academic concerns
  • Changing your major (You can also do this with Laney Admissions and Records in A-109 or laneyadmissions@peralta.edu)
  • Approval to take excess units (Fall and Spring semesters only)
  • Reinstatement from Academic or Progress Probation (to release hold)
  • Reinstatement from Academic or Progress Dismissal (to enroll in classes)
  • Comprehensive Student Education Plans for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Financial Aid petition
  • Transcript Evaluation for non-Peralta transcripts
  • Degree and certificate petitions

Contact Us

Main Phone: (510) 464-3326

Counseling Co-Chair
Cynthia Taing

Counseling Co-Chair
Liliana Moncada

Staff Assistant
Alma Gomez

View All Counseling Faculty --->>>

Front Desk Hours (Excluding Holidays)
Monday - Friday
8:30am – 4:30pm

We will be closed and there are no classes on the following dates:

Friday, Feb 14th & Monday, Feb 17 – President’s Day Observance

Tuesday, March 11th – Staff Development Day

Monday, March 31st to Sunday, April 6th – Spring Break

Friday, May 16th – Malcolm X’s Birthday Observance

In-Person Appointments & Drop-Ins
February 3rd - May 23rd
Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 12:00pm

Video or Phone Appointments
Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 7:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm

Online Virtual Drop-Ins
January 21st through May 23rd
Monday - Friday
10:00am - 12:00pm

Monday - Thursday
4:00pm - 6:00pm

Appointments can be made by phone by calling (510) 464.3326, in person at T-301 or online via ConexEd

Tower (Admin) Building, 3rd Floor (T-301)
900 Fallon Street
Oakland, CA 94607

Click the map image to enlarge, or view in Google My Maps



Appointment Reasons

  • Developing a Student Education Plan
  • Degree Petitions for Certificates and Associate Degrees
  • Financial Aid Appeals (Student Education Plans)
  • Major & Career Exploration
  • Probation/Dismissal Hold
  • Transcript Evaluation
  • Degree/Transfer Requirements
  • Progress Check

Drop-in Reasons

(10 - 15 minutes)
  • Academic Advising
  • Requesting Excess Units
  • General Questions (i.e. program/transfer information)
  • English, ESOL and Math Placement
  • New Student Process
  • College Policies and Procedures
  • Prerequisite Clearance
I Need Help & FAQs
How To Make An Appointment

Schedule an in-person, video, or phone appointment in two different ways:

  1. Schedule an appointment through your ConexED Account (requires login to the Peralta Portal): 
    Online Appointments Login to ConexED
  2. Call our front desk at (510) 464-3326 and our staff will help you make the best appointment.
Online Virtual Drop-Ins

For assistance, please sign into the Laney Counseling Online Drop-in Waiting Lobby.

Virtual Lobby Hours:
Monday to Thursday:
10:00am - 12:oopm 

You will be helped in the order in which you arrived. Please keep the site window open to hold your spot in line.

Register for the free Student ConexED Canvas page to learn more about how to access counselor meetings. 

Online drop-in counselor meetings are for quick 10-15 mins counseling services ONLY. 

Please check the reasons below and see if you need to schedule a longer Counseling appointment.

Reasons to stay in the lobby and wait for a counselor: Reasons to make an appointment with a counselor:
  • Academic Advice
  • Excess Units
  • General Questions (i.e. program/transfer information)
  • Prerequisite Clearance
  • English, ESOL, math placement
  • New student process
  • College policy and procedures 
  • Developing a Student Education Plan
  • Degree Petitions
  • Financial Aid Appeals
  • Major & Career Exploration
  • Probation/Dismissal Hold
  • Transcript Evaluation
  • Degree/Transfer Requirements
  • Degree or Certificate
  • Progress check 
Citas en español | 约定 | Lấy hẹn

Servicios en español son diferentes en el verano 2023. Por favor llame 510.464.3326 para más información.


Vui lòng gọi 5104643326 để biết các dịch vụ vào mùa hè năm 2023

Citas en español

Atención: Si necesita hablar con una consejera en español sobre clases o si tiene preguntas, puede utilizar este enlace para hacer una cita.  Tenemos citas por teléfono, en línea por Zoom y en persona.  Nos pueden contactar directamente por correo electrónico. ¡Aquí estamos para servirles!

Liliana Moncada
(510) 982-6072
(Numero de Google)

Laura Gomez-Contreras
Consejera de PUENTE
(510) 986-6902
(Numero de Google)

Jason Winton
(510) 464-3217

Crystal Hernandez Martinez

Recursos sobre COVID-19 en español se pueden encontrar aquí y EastOaklandDreamers.org.


Lilian Chow
(510) 464-3326

点击这里进行在线预约并搜索 "Lilian Chow"

Cuộc hẹn bằng tiếng Việt

MinhAn Nguyen
(510) 464-3326

Ivy (Thao) Tran
(510) 464-3326

Nhấn vào đây để lấy hẹn. Tìm kiếm "Minh An Nguyen" hoặc là "Thao Tran"

Văn phòng chúng tôi mở cửa  8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Counselor người Việt làm việc tại trường vào những thời gian sau:

Thứ Hai và Thứ Tư: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Thứ Ba: 8:30 AM -1 PM

Thời gian làm việc qua mạng/Zoom:

Thứ Hai, Thứ Ba và Thứ Năm: 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Thứ Tư: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Thứ Sáu: 8:30 - 12:00 PM

Clear A Prerequisite

If your class has a prerequisite you completed outside of the Peralta Colleges, the prerequisite must be cleared by a counselor to be able to enroll in a course.

Prerequisites clear in the system automatically when:

  • You are currently enrolled in the prerequisite at a Peralta College on the day you register.
  • You have previously passed the class at a Peralta College, in most cases.

Clear a prerequisite completed at a college/university outside of Peralta:


  1. Complete the Laney Express Counseling Request Form.
  2. For classes that require an unofficial transcript, you must email your transcripts within 30 minutes of submitting the Laney Express Counseling Request Form.
    1. How to scan documents using iPhone
    2. How to scan documents using Android
  3. All requests will be processed within two (2) business days of submission.
  4. Any requests missing either the form or the transcript for required courses will not be processed.
  5. If you are unable to submit the form, please refer to option 2 to schedule an appointment.
  6. Please click here to access the Laney Express Counseling Request Form.


  1. Schedule a Laney Counseling appointment.
  2. Prepare to show proof of course completion (transcripts with a grade of “C” or better) at your counseling appointment via email.
  3. For out of state and private universities/colleges, you may also need to provide supporting documentation (course descriptions or outlines).
  4. Transcripts must be from colleges with regional accreditation (counselor can help).
  5. You will receive an email notification if your prerequisite clearance request has been denied.
Request More Units

Requests for Fall and Spring Only

  • Reminder: Students can already enroll in up to 18 units in the Fall and Spring semesters; 10 in Summer.
  • If you wish to meet with a counselor to see if you can increase your units to up to 21 units for Fall or Spring Semester, select from one of the two (2) options below.


  1. Complete the Laney Express Counseling Request Form.
  2. All requests will be processed within two (2) business days of submission.
  3. If you are unable to submit the form, please refer to option 2 to schedule an appointment.
  4. Please click here to access the Laney Express Counseling Request Form.
  5. Requests for Summer unit increases, per the Laney College catalog, are not permitted.


  1. Schedule a Laney Counseling appointment.
  2. Students can request to enroll in up to 21 units with counselor approval.
  3. Schedule a counseling appointment to request a unit increase for Fall or Spring semesters only.
  4. Requests for Summer unit increases, per the Laney College catalog, are not permitted.
I Am a New or Returning Student
I Am A Continuing Or Graduating Student
What Are Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)?

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are statements that specify what students will know, be able to do or be able to demonstrate when they have completed or participated in a course or program.

  1. Apply educational planning in overall academic success; student is able to identify course requirements for general education and major.
  2. Navigate the processes that lead to successful transfer to a four-year college or university; student is able to demonstrate progress by successfully following SEP.
  3. Student will understand why he/she is on academic and/or progress probation and the key requirements for returning to good standing,
  4. Student can identify the factors that kept them from being successful.
  5. Student is aware of appropriate classes and support resources.
How Do I Appeal To A Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)?

Have you received a notification from Financial Aid that you have not met Satisfactory Academic Progress? If you wish to appeal, you will need to meet with a counselor to complete a full Student Education Plan (SEP). Make a counseling appointment online or call (510) 464-3326.

Counseling Faculty