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Laney students in library
Research Help
Research Guides
Library Databases
For Students
For Faculty
Library Staff

Library Hours

Monday – Thursday
8:00am – 6:00pm

8:0am – 4:00pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Loan Desk & Renew Library Materials: (510) 464-3499
Reference Services: (510) 464-3495
Reserve Desk: (510) 464-3500

View All Library Staff --->>>

Text A Librarian

During Live Chat hours text your question with keyword “laneylib” to 510-788-2665

Laney Library will be closed and there will be no Live Chat services on District holidays.

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🧵✨ Now on Display: African American Quilt Guild of Oakland Exhibit! ✨🧵

03/03/25 at 04:00pm - 03/31/25 | Laney Library

The African American Quilt Guild of Oakland is showcasing a stunning exhibit in honor of Black History & Women’s History Month at the Laney College Library!

📍 Laney College Library
📅 March 2025

Come witness the artistry, storytelling, and cultural significance woven into every stitch. These quilts celebrate history, resilience, and love—don't miss this powerful exhibit!

Learn More →

FREE Tax Assistance for Laney Students & Employees!

03/25/25 at 10:30am - 04:30pm | Laney Library, Basement Computer Lab

Need help filing your taxes? SparkPoint Oakland is offering FREE tax preparation services at Laney College Library on March 18 & March 25, 2025 from 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM! 📆✨

📩 Questions? Email achavarin@ebaldc.org or call 📞 (510) 390-2345.
Book your appointment here 👉 https://lnkd.in/gn2hSVeZ

Learn More →

Library & Information Studies

Laney College's Library and Information Studies Department offers a dynamic program to prepare students for careers in the fast-changing field of information management. With a focus on research methodologies, information organization, and data curation, our curriculum equips students with the essential skills to excel in today’s digital world.

Library Services

Information Desk

(2nd Floor, Library Entry) A librarian is always on duty at this desk to assist students and faculty who need library materials for class assignments. Handouts on a variety of topics are available at the Information Desk. A few of the topics in the “How to…” series include: outlines, essays, research papers, resumes, literary criticism, and citing print and electronic sources. Other handouts list materials available at Laney Library, including periodical and special topic databases, college directories, and career sources.

Loan Desk
(2nd Floor, Library Entry) Your Peralta student ID card is your library card. Student ID cards are issued at the Welcome Center (A-101). (See Library Card above) Most library materials have a loan period of two weeks and can be checked out at the Loan Desk. Most of the library collection that is available for checkout is shelved on the 3rd and 4th floors of the library. In addition, there are New Books, Paperback, New Readers, ESL, Graphic Novels, and Children’s Literature collections.
The library provides 20 free black/white printings per day from library computers or wireless printing. Wireless printing is available via https://laney.goprint.cloud  Students may get 10 free pages printing from Tech Center.
Housed in this area are: reserve materials, textbooks, supplemental class materials, college catalogs, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries and thesauri, resume books, exam books, and guides for writing essays and research papers. Most reserves and textbooks cannot leave the library. They are “Library Use Only”.  A few are loaned for 2 days.  Students who return textbooks late will be fined. Reserve a textbook --->>>

Library Policies

General Library Policies

Library Card

Your Laney College Photo ID card with a current semester sticker is your library card. You must show your card to the library staff to borrow library materials or use library computers.

Photo ID cards are issued at the Welcome Center, Room A-101. For current photo ID hours, check at the Loan Desk. To update a photo ID card with a sticker for the current semester, go to the Loan Desk or the Welcome Center (Room A-101)

Study Rooms

A limited number of group study rooms are available on the 3rd floor of the library for use by Laney College students. To request a group study room, go to the Loan Desk (Main Floor) and present your Laney photo ID with a current semester sticker to the desk attendant.

Reservations are accepted up to seven days in advance. Use of rooms is limited to two hours a day. Study rooms close before the library, so check at the Loan Desk for current hours.

Study Areas

1st Floor (Basement) — Computers available in L-101. Limited study space in the hallway. Expect some noise disruption from nearby activities. For quiet study, use the 4th Floor

2nd Floor (Main Floor) — Computers available for students. Limited study space in the Reference Area, Exhibit Area, and Browsing Area. Expect some noise disruption from nearby activities. For quiet study, use 4th Floor. Limited charging is available in the Reference Area.

3rd Floor — For individual and group study. Groups may use this area for conversation and collaboration.

4th Floor — Quiet study area. No conversation. Keep phones on mute. Charging is available at tables and carrels.

Library Fines


The library enforces strict fines for overdue textbooks:

2-hour textbooks (library use only): $2 per hour overdue

2-day textbooks: $2 per day overdue

Reserve Rules : Finestopper

Lost Books

The library charges replacement fees plus processing fees for lost books. The library does not accept replacement books in lieu of payment for lost books. If a lost book is returned, the replacement fees will be waived. The library encourages borrowers to keep careful track of library materials and report losses immediately.

Service Animals

Click to read Administrative Procedure 3440 Service Animals approved by Peralta Community College District AP-3440-Service-Animals

Book Donations

Due to reductions in staffing, the library no longer accepts donations of books or other library materials.

Library Users Policy

Disruptive Library Users Policy

Collection Policy


This policy is designed to guide the systematic development of the library’s print, media, and electronic collections. The primary purpose of the Laney College Library collection is to supplement, enrich, and support the instructional program of the college. Print and nonprint library materials are selected, acquired, maintained, and deselected to serve this purpose.


The Laney College Library fully endorses and adopts as its policy the Library Bill of
Rights as issued and amended by the American Library Association.


Collection Development Policy

Textbook Purchasing Policy

Streaming videos available through Kanopy are now moderated by Laney College Library. Check out the Laney College Library Kanopy Collection Development Policy for details.


To request library materials, use the Library Materials Online Request Form for books and DVDs.

If you have any questions, please contact Autumn Sullivan, at asullivan@peralta.edu or  L-114.

Computer & Internet Use

Laney College Library provides computers as an educational resource for students of the Peralta Colleges.


Library computers are intended for information access and academic research by Peralta students.


Users must comply with the Peralta Community College District Prohibition of Unlawful Harassment AP 3430 and Student Standards of Conduct Discipline Procedures and Due Process AP 5500 by not displaying any images or screens that may be offensive to others in a public setting.

Altering computer settings or software configurations is prohibited.


Students facing disciplinary action for disruptive behavior and/or violation of the Library’s Rules and Standards of Behavior are subject to any or all of the following actions:

  1. Warning: an oral reprimand
  2. Immediate removal from the Library building
  3. Suspension of services, equipment, computers and exclusion from the Library building, for a period to be determined by the severity of the offense, and in consultation with the Campus Security Services and/or Vice President of Student Services (or Designee)
  4. Suspension: Exclusion from classes, privileges or activities for a specified period of time.

Jan. 2024

Copyright Notice

Most material available on the Internet, whether from freely accessible web sites or from subscription databases such as those available through the Laney College Library, is protected by copyright law, whether or not a statement of copyright is visible on the page being viewed. Laney College Library upholds all provisions of United States copyright laws, including 17 United States Code sections 107 and 108 governing fair use and reproduction by libraries and archives. Patrons using copier or printing services are responsible for any infringements of copyright laws.


The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.” If a user makes a request for, or later uses a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use”, that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.

(37 CFR section 201.14)

Library Mission
Empowering students with critical information skills while providing inclusive, accessible resources and spaces for research, discovery, and reflection.
Open Educational Resources

Free, accessible teaching & learning materials that can be reused, adapted & shared to support education.

Laney College Digital Archives

Timelines, documents, photographs & history, including biographical information about Joseph C. Laney.

Aerial View of
Laney College Campus in 1970

Free subscription to the New York Times!

Peralta students and employees get complimentary access to The New York Times!

Faculty can create an account or log in using their @peralta.edu email, while students should use their @cc.peralta.edu email address.

Stay informed with world-class journalism at your fingertips!

Library Legacy Lounge

Laney Library 1960

Laney College Library first opened its doors in September 1956.  At the time, the library was housed in a portable on the old 10th Street campus.


<<<--- The old Laney Library circa 1960

In January 1971, the library moved to its current location at 900 Fallon Street.


A librarian searching the old card catalog
(Source: Laney College Catalog, 1979-1981) --->>>

Laney librarian 1971

For Faculty

Library Information Studies Noncredit Courses

Library non-credit Research Skills Certificate; free and self-paced online courses that help students build a foundation of information literacy skills, critical thinking, ethical use of information, and research.

*More information on Library Information Studies.

Library Orientation and Tour Request

Please click to fill out the Library Orientation Request Form to schedule an orientation.

Click the Library Tour Request Form to schedule a Library Tour.

If you have any questions regarding orientations, please read Laney Library Orientation Policy, or contact Reginald Constant @ (510) 986-6947 or email rconstant@peralta.edu

E-Resources Off-Campus Access

All currently enrolled students and employees can access electronic resources off-campus with Peralta accounts.

Faculty-owned Textbook Reserves

To place faculty-owned course materials like textbooks, and readers on reserve fill out a Book Reserve Request Form or download the Faculty-Owned Titles Reserve Request Form. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Randle Wasson at rwasson@peralta.edu.

  • All materials placed on reserve must be accompanied by a completed Reserve Request Form, following the library standard loan period (2 hours or 2 days if extra copies are available)
  • To ensure the availability of items in a timely fashion, please complete request forms when bringing your copies to the library. Items are processed in the order received.
  • Requests submitted during the first two weeks of classes may be delayed.
  • Photocopies of articles, manuscripts, book excerpts, etc. should not exceed the limits of fair use (Copyright Act 17 U.S. C. Sec. 107(4)).
  • The library cannot be responsible for loss or damage of any materials that have been placed on reserve.
  • Please make sure your materials have been processed and are on reserve before referring your students.
  • Faculty members are encouraged to obtain Peralta District ID cards, as it validate their status to the library staff.
Library Exhibit

Discover the richness of learning beyond the classroom with Laney College Library’s Exhibit Program. Showcase your students’ success by filling out the Library Exhibit Program request form. If you have any questions regarding it, please reach out to the Public Services Librarian, Reginald Constant, @ (510) 986-6947 or email rconstant@peralta.edu

Acquisition (Request Library Materials)

Faculty members are welcome to come into the library and check the books in their disciplines for content and currency.

Material requests (books, videos, audiotapes, and CD-ROMS) should be submitted to the Acquisition Librarian via the Library Materials Online Request Form with as much publication information as possible (title, author, publisher, date, price, ISBN), including books and DVDs. The budget dictates what can be ordered.

If you have any questions, please contact Autumn Sullivan at asullivan@peralta.edu, (510) 464-3498, or library room L-114.

ESOL Collections

380 ESOL Materials in the library via the library catalog. Click the ESOL search result link to see details

Distance Education Resources
Media Collections

Staff Directory

Librarian Position Phone Number Email
Reginald Constant Public Services & Instruction Librarian (510) 986-6947 rconstant@peralta.edu
Autumn Sullivan Acquisitions & Technical Services (510)-464-3498 asullivan@peralta.edu
YiPing Wang Head Librarian, E-Resources & Instruction Librarian (510) 464-3490


Hourly Reference Librarians Email
Amelie Brown ameliebrown@peralta.edu
Emily Odza eodza@peralta.edu
Francis Howard fhoward@peralta.edu
Giovanna Capone gcapone@peralta.edu
Jessica Liu jessicaliu@peralta.edu
Library Staff Unit Position Phone Number Email
Andrew Skinner-Demps Loan Desk Principal Library Technician (510) 464-3499 askinner@peralta.edu
Brianna Bradford Loan Desk Library Technician II (510) 464-3501 bbradford@peralta.edu
Randle (Bruce) Wasson Reserve Desk Senior Library Technician (510) 464-3500 rwasson@peralta.edu
Edwin Gatheru Reserve Desk Library Technician II (510) 464-3500 egatheru@peralta.edu
Grace Kenny Technical Processing Principal Library Technician (510) 464-3493 gkenny@peralta.edu
Lily Leung Technical Processing Library Technician II (510) 464-3105 lleung@peralta.edu
May Shum Information Technology Library Network Coordinator (510) 464-3487 wshum@peralta.edu