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Wellness Center

Mental Health & Medical Services

The Laney College Wellness Center is your on-campus resource for mental health and well-being. Offering free and confidential services such as personal counseling, stress management, and wellness workshops, the center supports students in navigating academic and personal challenges.

While the Wellness Center focuses on mental and emotional health, students also have access to medical services at the PCCD Student Health Clinic, located in the Student Center. The clinic provides a range of medical services, including primary care, health screenings, and immunizations.

Together, these resources ensure that Laney College students have comprehensive support for both their mental and physical health.

Mental Health Services

Confidential Counseling & Workshops

Medical Services

Clinic Offering In-Person & Telehealth Appointments

Mental Health Team

Dedicated Licensed Social Workers & Therapists

Laney Wellness Cnter Official Logo

Office Phone
(510) 464-3332

Mental Health Specialist
Susan Yee, LCSW
Email: syee@peralta.edu
Phone: 510-464-3535
Consultation: Bookings Link
Hours: Tuesday – Friday

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For Immediate Support:
Call 988 for immediate, available 24/7
Call or Text 855-600-WARM (9276)
Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.


Click the map image to enlarge, or view in Google My Maps

Peralta Logo Email Signature

Peralta Community College District (PCCD) Student Health Clinic

Clinic Location
Student Center
4th Floor, Room 410

To Schedule an Appointment
Call: 510-464-3134
Email: PCCDHealthClinic@peralta.edu

Clinic Hours
Monday – Friday | 12:30pm – 4:30pm
Expanded hours starting November 4, 2024 | 8:30am – 4:30pm


Follow the Wellness Center!

Mental Health Services

Drop-Ins & Mental Health Consultations
  • In-Person, Tower Building, Room 250 (T-250): Stop by for a calming cup of tea and get connected to support.  Open M, T, W and F 8:30-4:30pm.
  • Book A ConsultBook a 20 min mental health consultation over the phone or zoom.  This is not a therapy session, but can help you figure out if therapy is right for you.
Free, Confidential Therapy Sessions

Laney students can sign-up for up to 8 sessions of free and confidential mental health therapy each semester, based on availability and scheduling.  We’re here to help you succeed in your life and academic goals by offering high-quality, culturally-responsive, student-centered therapy. We work with students on everything from recovering from trauma to dealing with procrastination habits – let us know how we can help you.

Complete the short, confidential request form and a mental health staff will contact you within one week to schedule your first appointment. 

Mental Health Groups & Workshops

We Will Rise – Student Recovery Club:  Meets every Thursday from 12-1pm in A140.  For anyone who wants or needs support for addictions, alcoholism, other addictions, stress, grief, or anything else that troubles you.  Join us for snacks and supportive conversation.  No sign ups necessary, but contact syee@peralta.edu if you have questions.

Mental Health Workshop Series From 1-2pm, in A140 next to the Welcome Center

  • To Be Announced

Attend all 4 sessions and receive a $50 book store gift card!

For more info: brandenvalentine@peralta.edu, or call 510-464-3332

How Can We Help?

Free and confidential counseling to students are available, offering support for personal, emotional, and academic challenges. Services include individual and group therapy, crisis intervention, and mental health workshops. Licensed professionals help students manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. These services aim to enhance students’ well-being and academic success. 

For Immediate Mental Health Support

  • Call 988 for immediate, available 24/7
  • Call or Text 855-600-WARM (9276)
  • Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room
Health & Wellness Resources
Health Related Documents

Drug Abuse and Alcohol Prevention Program

Peralta Community College District Drug Abuse and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAAPP)

Medical Incident Report

When a student or employee gets injured on campus, this is the report to complete.

Supervisors Report of Injury

If an employee gets injured, please complete this form.

Medical Services

peralta logo white  PCCD Student Health Clinic

The Peralta Community College District (PCCD) Student Health Clinic offers accessible healthcare services to students at Laney College. The clinic offers both in-person and telehealth appointments to meet a variety of healthcare needs.

Clinic Location
Laney College Student Center, 4th Floor, Room 410
900 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94606

To Schedule an Appointment
Call: 510-464-3134
Email: PCCDHealthClinic@peralta.edu

Clinic Hours
Monday – Friday |  8:30am – 4:30pm

About the PCCD Student Health Clinic

Baywell HealthThe PCCD Student Health Clinic is managed in collaboration with Baywell Health (formerly West Oakland Health Council), a trusted community partner serving the Oakland area for over 50 years.

Services offered at the clinic are funded by the student health fee, ensuring that healthcare remains affordable and accessible to all Laney College students.

Baywell Health’s mission is to advance the dignity and health of the Bay Area’s Black communities while offering a hub of well-being, inspiration, and connection.

Clinic Services

Medical Services
  • Primary Care
  • Family Planning
  • Physical Exams
  • Pregnancy Testing
  • Birth Control
  • Pap Smears
  • STI and HIV Testing
  • Phlebotomy (blood draws)
Health Education
Personalized education focused on prevention, including:
  • Pregnancy
  • HIV/STI prevention
  • Family planning
  • Substance abuse
  • Violence prevention
Immunizations & Lab Work
  • TB Testing
  • COVID Vaccinations
  • Flu Vaccinations

In-Person & Telehealth Services

  • On-site and virtual assessments by a licensed medical provider for primary care needs.

Mental Health Referrals

  • Referrals to College Wellness Centers for ongoing mental health support.

For Faculty

Worried about a student in your class?  Feel free to book a mental health consult with Susan Yee.

In the meantime, download the Quick Access Guide To Students In Distress for tips.

We’d love to come to your class to tell students about our services, or to collaborate with you on mental health workshops!  Please complete a Classroom Presentation Request and we’ll coordinate a time that works for you.

Laney Wellness services are for students only.  Go to the Peralta Benefits page for employee benefits, including Employee Assistance Program for full-time employees.


Peralta Student Health Services has been dedicated to supporting the well-being of students across the Peralta Community College District. Since its establishment, the service has grown to provide a range of essential health and wellness resources, from medical consultations to mental health support.

With a commitment to accessible, compassionate care, Peralta Student Health Services continues to empower students to thrive academically and personally.

History of Peralta Student Health Services

Circa 1980s – a nurse position was created at College of Alameda and Laney
1980s to 1989- there were masters prepared nurses at Laney, Merritt, and College of Alameda


  • Three masters prepared nurses/health services coordinators: one at College of Alameda, Merritt and Laney (these nurses provided public health services, got TB supplies from a Doctor at Alameda County Health Services TB program, and did flu shots through Visiting Nurses Association).


  • The nurses at Laney (Indra Thadani) and Merritt(Karen Bougae) advocated having a health fee passed with their College administration, (since most colleges in the California Community College system had a health fee and offered more health services, including mental health counseling), but was unsuccessful.


  • Nurses at Laney worked with Trustees: Linda Handy, Abel Guillen, and Nicky Gonzalez-Yuen to get the health fee passed. Trustees Handy and Gonzalez-Yuen visited student health services off-site at local high schools and SF City College Health Center.
  • Alameda County Health Services Deputy: Alex Briscoe also assisted in the process of bringing more student health services to Peralta. Trustees Handy and Gonzalez-Yuen sat on board subcommittees for planning student health services along with the nurses and other interested participants.

April 2010

  • BOT Resolution passed to start student health fee in the fall of 2010.

October 2010

  • PCCD contracted with Asian health services through Alameda County to have a nurse practitioner two days a week and a patient navigator five days a week at Laney: Peralta Wellness Center for all colleges. Also, a part-time mental health counselor at Merritt and COA funded by the general funds were created. The FT nurse at Laney and COA continued, and Merritt nurse retired.


  • PCCD brought on a mental health counselor from Asian health services and contracted with Lifelong Medical Services to provide three days of mental health counseling at Berkeley City College.
  • The district created two new positions for the nurses at Peralta, one became the Director of Health Services, filled by Dr. Patricia Dudley to handle most district contracts, and the other was the Director of the Peralta Wellness Center at Laney, filled by Indra Thadani RN, MS.
  • A new job description for COA (and PCCD) was created to allow mental health counselors to be Health Coordinators, since the district had a job description for minimal qualifications of a master’s prepared RN to be the district director PCCD met Title V requirements to have a masters prepared nurse to lead and develop student health services.


  • In the fall, the district Health Services Director went back to the college of Alameda and the position was vacant for 8 months.


  • The Health Services Director position was filled by the Peralta wellness Center Director/Laney nurse (.75 district, .25 Laney) Indra Thadani.
  • The full-time nurse at Merritt was hired, Dr. Jon Murphy who had changed assignment from the Medical Assistant program to Student Health Services.
  • A new community partner, Healthy Communities, Inc brings a nurse practitioner and medical assistant to Berkeley City College, and a health insurance enrollment person to Laney.


  • Spring 2015 full-time health services coordinator/mental health counselor was hired at College of Alameda, Evan Schloss.
  • LANEY nurse becomes full-time Health Services Director at the district, 30 hours/week while serving students at Laney as the nurse and coordinator.
  • In June, a first-time District Health Services clerk II was hired who also served students at Laney as the front desk receptionist.
  • In June, the contract with Asian health services ends, an RFP was created to offer health services at each college, and Healthy Communities, Inc gets the larger contract to provide nurse practitioners and medical assistants at Laney and BCC, two days a week, and a Patient Navigator(Medi-Cal enrollment specialist).


  • A Peralta, 20-hour nurse masters prepared nurse hired at College of Alameda.


  • A new community partner, Roots is brought on board to provide nurse practitioner services at COA.
  • In September, the contract with Healthy Communities, INC ends abruptly due to several factors, the most salient being the loss of their clinic license.
  • In September, the Roots nurse practitioner who would have been working at COA transferred to Laney (where the need is greater) and created a new public health nurse position at Berkeley city college filled by Roots. Roots also provided a Patient Navigator 1.5 days at Laney.


  • District VC of Academic Affairs hires a former director of health services, and an M D consultant costing $21,000 to evaluate student health services, report available. Most salient finding: student health services are highly regarded by students despite the district being dysfunctional.
  • On July 1, District Director (30 hours per week) returns to Laney College full time.
  • August, Interim Director hired at 20 hours/week.
  • Nurse Practitioner from Roots expanded at Laney to four days
  • Roots provide NP at COA and BCC, 2 days per week
  • In November, the district Health Services Director was hired from faculty at Merritt, Dr. Mia Kelly and the district clerical relocate to the district offices.
  • Roots provide a health navigator to enroll students into Medi-Cal and Cal Fresh, 1 day at each college.
  • The Health Service Coordinator at COA leaves.
  • Laney hired a full-time mental Health Specialist, Lisa Sawadogo.

2019 -2022

  • The Director of Health Services, Dr. Mia Kelly left the position in the fall of 2022.
  • The full-time Health Services Coordinator at Merritt left and a new coordinator was hired, Stefani Devito.
  • All PCCD personnel provided online support to students.
  • COA replaced the health Service Coordinator with a new Mental Health Specialist, Lisa Sawadogo.
  • In the fall of 2021, Susan Yee, MFT hired as Laney’s new Mental Health Specialist.
  • Roots continued to support PCCD students at their clinic site at 7272 Mac Arthur, Oakland, and then returned part-time to campuses in the late spring of 2022.
Queer Community Center

Discover the Queer Community Center (QCC) at Laney College

A welcoming and empowering space for LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and staff to connect, learn, and thrive.

From workshops and field trips to holistic support services, the QCC is here to build an inclusive campus community.

Wellness Center Staff