Faculty & Staff Directory
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Abebe, Megdi | Librarian, Part-Time
Abrams, Robert | Instructor/Temporary
Acosta, Alejandro | Stage & Production Supervisor
Agard, Anne | Instructor
Aguilar, Angela | Instructor
Albertini, Sophia | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
Albury, Gary | Dean of Student Success & Equity
Allen-Requa, Laurie | Department Co-Chair
Almeida, Joseph | Instructor
Alphonso-Gibbs, John | Instructor/Temporary
Alvarado, Fredericko | Instructor
Amos, Tonya | Instructor
Andrews, Cynthia | Child Care Specialist
Angel-Hurtado, Nancy | Instructor
Aune, Peder | Instructor
Avery, Franklin | Instructor (Part-Time)
Backes-Diaz, Sarah | General & Career Counseling
Bailes, Ceola | Cashier
Bailey, Rebecca | Department Co-Chair
Baker, David | Custodian
Balogh, Adam | Department Chair
Banerjee, Rajeev | Department Co-Chair
Bankhead, April | Instructor
Banks, Douglas | Library Technician II
Barkdull, Mallory | Department Chair
Barnett, Kinetta | Facilities Project Coordinator
Barry, Jenna | Intr For The Hear Imp III
Bascara, Oscar | Instructor
Bassett, Mary Catherine | Department Chair
Bastias Gayoso, Maria | Instructor, Part-Time
Bazan, Maribel | Instruct Asst/Computer Info Sy
Bazua Morales, Carlos | Instructor/Temporary
Beam, John | Athletic Director
Bean, Gary | Instructor
Beavers, Douglas | Instructor/Temporary
Becker, Richard | Sr Athletic Trainer Equip Mang
Beckham, Shannon | Instructor/Temporary
Belanger, Peter | Instructor
Belden, Wendy | Instructor/Temporary
Bell, Elise | Instructor/Temporary
Bell, Robert | Instructor
Benjamin, Marcia | Instructor/Substitute
Berumen, Juan | Instructor/Temporary
Besikof, Rudy | Laney College President
Bischof, Otto | Instructor
Bishop, Judith | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l
Blackburn, Edmund | Instructor/Temporary
Blackie, Leslie | Instructor
Blackwell, Kimm | Counselor/Coordinator, ROC STUDENTS ONLY
Blaylock, Reginald | Custodian
Bohorquez, Amy | Instructor
Bolick, Paul | Instructor
Bollinger, Micheal | Instructor, Part-Time
Bordelon, Vincent | Instructor/Temporary
Boston, John | Instructor/Temporary
Bourgoin, Fred | Instructor
Means, Kristopher | Instructional Asst./Culinary A
Bowring, Leah | Instructor/Temporary
Boyd Davis, Denise | Cook
Brace, Lear | Instructor/Temporary
Bradford, Charles | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices
Brewer, Chanda | Web Content Developer
Bridges, Kim | Department Co-Chair
Brooks, Lakisha | Instructor
Brown, Peter | Instructor
Brown, Alfred | Food Service Supervisor
Brown, Carole | Instructor
Brown, Amelie | Librarian/Hourly
Brown, Asharee | Instructor/Temporary
Browne, Janice | Facilities Services Specialist
Brownfox, Shirley | Instructor/Temporary
Brumfield, Jonathan | Instructor/Temporary
Burgess, Jacqueline | Instructor (Part-Time)
Burmenko, Neil | Food Service Manager
Caballero, Alicia | Instructor
Cael, Kim | Adaptive Technology Specialist
Callahan, Chase | Intr For The Hear Imp III
Calvo, Juan | Instructor/Temporary
Camp, Tracy | Instructor
Carpenter, La Tonya | Instructor
Carr, Derrick | Instructor
Cera, Vina | Instructor (Part-Time)
Cervantes, Alex | Staff Assistant
Chambers, Michael | Financial Aid Specialist
Chen, Guang Ning | Custodian
Chen, Janice | Financial Aid Specialist
Cheyne, Dustin | Department Co-Chair
Chi, Xiaolin | Instructor
Chieng, Nancy | Counselor
Chinchilla, Maya | Instructor/Temporary
Chohlis, Dana | Instructor/Temporary
Choi, Amy | Instructor (Part-Time)
Chow, Lilian | General Counseling
Christal, Toshia | Department Co-Chair
Chung, Julie Tzu | Instructor/Temporary
Chung, Roger | Faculty Lead
Cipher, Alexandra | Alternate Media Technology Spe
Cisneros, Rebecca | Instructor
Cloward, Jeremy | Instructor
Coaston, Shirley | Librarian/Hourly
Coffin-Lennear, Julian | Instructor, Part-Time
Cohen, Chelsea | Instructor
Coleman, Clifton | Sr Research & Planning Analyst
Connolly, Sean | Instructor (Part-Time)
Constant, Reginald | Librarian
Contreras, Laura | Counselor, Part-Time
Cook, Shelby | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l
Coplen, Joshua | Instructor/Temporary
Cornelius, Carolyn | Counselor, Part-Time
Cortez, Leslie | Asst Coach
Costley, Drew | Instructor/Temporary
Coughlan, Bryan | Asst Coach, Part-Time
Cowan, Elizabeth | Instructor
Crowley, Crystal | Intern (Instructor)
Crowley, Robert | Department Co-Chair
Crumpton, Pamela | Program Specialist
Crutison, Jimmy | Instructor/Temporary
Damarto, Charity | Instructor/Temporary
Danton, Rebecca | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
Davaasuren, Diana | Staff Services Specialist/Fiscal
David, Alan | Instructor/Temporary
Davidson, Ronald | Instructor/Temporary
Davila-Sanchez, Arturo | Instructor
Dehghani, Ali | Instructor/Temporary
DelToroSolis, Rosendo | Extra Service, FT Faculty
Demathieu, Leah | Instructor/Temporary
Der, Ronald | Instructor/Temporary
DeVere, Daniel | Instructor
Dewitt, Robert | Instructor/Temporary
Dinh, Kimthuy | Financial Aid Specialist
Gonzalez, Margaret | Lead Custodian (B)
Doan, Tuan | Department Network Coordinator
Doyle, Jennifer | Instructor
Dozier, Dominique | Librarian/Hourly
Edibe-Bile, Michel | Instr Asst/Comput Assist Instr
ElJarrari, Tarek | Dean of Humanities, Social Sciences & the Library
Epitacio, Robin | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l
Erdenebaatar, Alta | Instructor/Temporary
Espineli, Dinah | Instructor/Temporary
Evans, Kevin | Instructor/Asst. Coach, Part-T
Failing, Nathan | Counselor/Coordinator
Farmer, Zahrah | Instructor (Part-Time)
Feldman, Flor | Instructor
Fisher, Terrence | Computer Network Technician
Flores, José Luis | Instructor
Fontenot, Denise | Counselor, Part-Time
Ford, Nia | Program Specialist/Outreach
Forman, Michele | Instructor
Forster, Jason | Instructor
Fossum, Cheli | Department Co-Chair
Franklin, Myron | Instructor
Freeman, Koina | Instructor (Part-Time)
Fuentes-Figueroa, Angel | Dean of Academic & Student Aff
Fung, Kathy | Instructor
Furukawa, Alexandra | Instructor/Temporary
Gabriel, Meres-Sia | Instructor, Part-Time
Galen, Ron | Instructor/Temporary
Garcia, Doris | Counselor, Part-Time
Gardner, Derrick | Coach
Garrett, Sharon | Instructor/Temporary
Garrett, Vince | Student Services Specialist
Gastis, Eleni | Instructor
Gatheru, Edwin | Library Technician II
Gee, Daniel | Instructor/Temporary
Gee, Becky | Instructor/Temporary
Gerry, Jennifer | Tutoring Project Manager
Ghebreab, Michael | Instructor/Temporary
Gifford, Christina | Instructor
Gioia, Dr. James | Counselor
Glosson, Kim | Instructor
Godfrey, Scott | Instructor
OD Nasan, Shine | Custodian
Holman, Damon | Custodian
Gonzalez Reyes, Christian | Instructor, Part-Time
Gove, John | Instructor
Graham, Sagesse | Instructor (Part-Time)
Greene, Terrance | General Counseling
Greller, Shiori | Instructor (Part-Time)
Grisby, Dana | Instructor
Grossman, Janice | Instructor
Guerrero-Betteo, Greta | Instructor, Part-Time
Gurke, Charles | Instructor (Part-Time)
Guzman Perez, Miroslava | Instructor, Part-Time
Haagenson, Jeffrey | Instructor/Assistant Coach
Hall, Tyrone | Head Custodian
Hallinan, Nathaniel | Instructor
Harper, Adam | Custodian
Harper, Cemone | Counselor
Harper, Naa | Acad Support Services Special
Hashemi, Forough | Instructor/Temporary
Hashimoto, Richard | Instructor
Hernandez, Kimberly | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
Hernandez, Brian | Instructor/Temporary
Hernandez, Erika | Custodian
Herrenbruck, Molly | Instructor/Temporary
Herron Noureddine, DeEboni | Counselor, Part-Time
Herzfeld, Martin | Instructor
Ho, Pak | Staff Services Specialist/Fiscal
Holcom, Mark | Intr For The Hear Imp II
Hontalas, Amy | Instructor/Temporary
Hopkins, Monique | Cashier
Hopt, Larry | Instructor/Temporary
Horan, Daniel | Instructor/Temporary
Hossain, Mohammed | Science Lab Tech/Chemistry
Howard, Francis | Librarian/Hourly
Hsieh, Calvin | Instructor
Huang, Alisa | Sr. Staff Services Spec/CTE
Huang, Shou | Admissions & Records Specialis
Huang, Jian | Intr For The Hear Imp III
Huang, Dingyao | Staff Asst/EOPS
Hubbard, Matthew | Instructor/Temporary
Huerta, Javier | Instructor
Hunt, Nancy | Instructor
Hussein, Shah | Instructor/Temporary
Inciarte, Monique | Instructor
Israel, Susannah | Instructor/Temporary
Jackson, Laurence | Instructor
Jackson, Fredrick | Instructor
Jefferson, Dywane | Custodian
James, Dawn | Instructor
Jay, Michael | Instructor
Jimenez Velayos, Angela | Instructor
Johnson, Blake | Department Chair
Johnson, Mary | Instructor/Temporary
Johnson, Matthew | Asst Coach
Johnston, Alexandra | Intr For The Hear Imp III
Jones, Damon | Instructor
Jones, William | Network Support Services Specialist
Flores, Israel | Custodian
Jones, Rod | Instructor, Part-Time
Juanita, Judy | Instructor/Temporary
Kenrick, Margaret | Instructor
Khazaeli Parsa, Poupak | Instructor
King, Kimberly | Instructor
Koroma, Joseph | Financial Aid Officer
Krans, Brian | Instructor/Temporary
Kwon, Grace |
Lal, Pallavi | Instructor
Lane, Hope | Executive Assistant
Lathuras, Carol | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
Latta, Ian | Instructor
Lau, John | Program Specialist/Outreach
Lauti, Feke | Project Manager
Lavender, Seth | Instructor
Le, Peter | Instructor
Lee, Derek | Sr. Academic Support Serv Spec
Lee, Dr. Andrea | Deptment Chair
Lee, David | Director of AANAPISI (APASS)
Leech, Marla | Instructor
Leon, Elisa | Student Services Specialist
Lepowsky, William | Instructor
Leung, Lily | Library Technician II
Levine, Meg | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
Levingston, Derrick | Instructor
Lew, Cheryl | Instructor
Liang, Susan | Financial Aid Specialist
Liang, Weijian | Instructor
Lietzke, Liesa | Instructor (Part-Time)
Linares, David | Instructor/Temporary
Lloyd, Edward | Instructor
Lockhart, Jason | Custodian
Loewen, Amy | Instructor, Part-Time
Lopez, Silvia | Instructor/Temporary
Lopez, Danitza | Instructor
Lopez Ramirez, Maria | Custodian
Loyola Lopez, Emma | Instructor
Lujan-Perez, Jose | Instructor/Temporary
Lum, Munlok | Instructor
Ly, Mai | Coordinator/EOPS
Lynch-McMahon, Kelle | Instructor
Ma, Kathy | General Counseling
Ma, Jennifer | College Dir of Financial Aid
Mabute-Louie, Bianca | Instructor
Madonik, Alex | Instructor/Temporary
Mafi, Maamaloa | Asst Coach
Mahabir, Cynthia | Instructor/Temporary
Maher, Beth | Dean of Liberal Arts
Martin, Chef Chantal | Instructor
Martin, Chantal | Instructor/Temporary
Martin, Kevin | Instructor (Part-Time)
McElvane, Melissa | Instructor/Temporary
McMichael, Heather | Instructor/Temporary
McMillen, Derrick | Instructor
McMurdo, Ann | General Counseling
Tifft, Jenny | Cashier
Mei, Judy | Executive Assistant
Mei, Gary | Coordinator/Biology & Science
Mejia, Michael | Instructor (Part-Time)
Mekwunye, Gideon | Instructor, Part-Time
Metcalf, Sakai | Program Specialist/Athletics
Michael, Reid | Intr For The Hear Imp III
Miller, Franklin | Instructor (Part-Time)
Millican, (M.S.), Shanice | Program Specialist
Mirza, Sara | Instructor/Temporary
Mishra, Trinayana | Asst Coach
Mitchell, Tania | Program Specialist (CAT/Grant)
Mitchell, Zeraka | Instructor/Temporary
Moezzi, Afarin | Instructor/Temporary
Mohebi, Mehrdad | Instructor
Moncada, Liliana | Dept Co-Chair, General Counseling, Early Support, Spanish
Moore, Lisa | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
Moore, Donald | Department Chair
Moreno, Evelyn | Staff Asst/Student Services
Mortimer, Cheryl | Instructor/Temporary
Moshrefi, Farshid | Instructor/Temporary
Moya, Michael | Instructor (Part-Time)
Mueller, Andreas | Instructor
Murillo, Mayra | Instructor/Counselor
Newland Ulloa, Juanita | InstrucInstructor (Part-Time)tor
Newton, Gregory | Instructor/Temporary
Nguyen, Tuan | Instructor
Nguyen, Phidien | Instructor/Temporary
Nguyen, Peter | Financial Aid Specialist
Nguyen, Anh | Staff Assistant/Instruction
Nguyen, Minhan | General Counseling
Noii, Mahmood | Instructor/Temporary
Obleton, Cynthia | Instructor/Temporary
Obolu, Solomon | Extra Service, FT Faculty
Odza, Emily | Librarian/Hourly
Okpalaugo, Uchechris | Instructor
Olguin, Alejandra | Instructor, Part-Time
Oliver, Adrienne | Instructor
Olson, Carmen | Intr For The Hear Imp III
Olson, Darcee | Instructor (Part-Time)
Opsata, Rebecca | College President
Ortak, Irfan | Instructor
Ortega, Jennifer | Intr For The Hear Imp III
Ortiz, Yvette | Instructor, Part-Time
Otero, Patricia | Admissions & Records Clerk
Oweis, Yusra | Instructor/Temporary
Owyoung, Jessica | Counselor
Panitch, Karyn | Instructor
Parker, Anjana | Instructor/Temporary
Parra, Rosa | Instructor
Patel, Nidhi | Instructor/Temporary
Paul, Abhijeet | Instructor
Payne, Jonathan | Counselor, Part-Time
Peet, Ralph | Instructional Asst/Accompanist
Pefkaros, Kenneth | Instructor/Temporary
Peng, Lu | Instructor (Part-Time)
Perez, Minerva | Program Specialist/Outreach
Peterson, Stephen | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l
Pham, Tu | Instructor/Temporary
Phan, Vu | Network Support Services Specialist
Piett, Satoko | Instructor (Part-Time)
Pingree, Elena | Instructor/Temporary
Polston, Joshua | Instructor/Temporary
Ponomareff, Gregory | Instructor/Temporary
Pope, Bobby | Instructor/Temporary
Porter, Roger | Instructor
Post, Roxana | IT Support Specialist
Pratt, Scott | Instructor (Part-Time)
Prober, Drew | Instructor/Temporary
Pugliese, Holly | Instructor
Putrayasa, Made | Instructional Asst./Culinary A
Pyle, Nathaniel | Instructor
Quach, Emily | Instructor
Raji, Lorriann | Instructor
Ramos, Laura | Prog Specialist/Transfer Cente
Ramos, Ramon | Storekeeper Supervisor
Ramos, Joshua | Instructor
Ramos Ochoa, William | Director, Gateway To College Program
Rashada, Atiya | Director of Student Activities & Campus Life
Rauzon, Mark | Instructor
Reager, John | Dept Chair
Rensi, Efrem | Instructor/Temporary
Reyes, Abraham | Instructor
Reyes, Francis | Instructor/Temporary
Reynolds, Chloe | Instructor
Reynolds, Sadie | Instructor
Riggs, Charles | Instructor/Temporary
Riggs, Blake | Instructor
Rivkin, Irina | General Counseling
Robinson, Rick | Instructor
Robinson, LaCretia | Instructor
Robledo, Danielle | Instructor
Rodas, Jonathan | Instructor/Temporary
Rodriguez, Agustin | Instructional Asst/LRC
Rodriguez, Eusebio | Instructor/Temporary
Rodriguez, Nora | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
Rodriguez, Christian | Counselor, Part-Time
Rogers, Carole | Instructor
Rogers, Denise | Instructor/Temporary
Romano Rogers, Leigh Ann | Counselor, Part-Time
Rosillo, Adan | Instructor
Ross, Merry | Instructor/Temporary
Ross, Etna Laura | Counselor, Part-Time
Ross, David | Department Chair
Rouse, Calvin | Instructor
Rozeville, Christopher | Instructor/Temporary
Russell, Thomas | Instructor/Temporary
Sabzevary, Amir | Instructor
Salangsang, John | Counselor, Part-Time
Samuelson, Richard | Instructor/Temporary
Santamaria, David | Instructor
Santos, Katrina | Coordinator/Grants & Spec Pgms
Schontges, Petra | Instructor
Schwappach, Lisa | Instructor/Temporary
Schwartz, Gregory | Instructor
Scott, James | Instructor/Temporary
Seals, Bobby | Instructor
Seelbach, Karl | Instructor
Settles, Rhea | Instructor/Temporary
Shaffer, Sarah | Instructor
Shaposhnikov, Nick | Instructor
Sheehan, Pamela | Instructor/Temporary
Shigeta, Ronald | Instructor/Temporary
Shlisky, Steve | Instructor/Co-Chair
Shulse, Brian | Instructor/Temporary
Shum, Wai | Library Network Coordinator
Silberman, Seth | Science Laboratory Coordinator
Thomas-Windham, Sydney | Department Co-Chair
Simon, David | Instructor
Simons, Mark | Instructor (Part-Time)
Singh, Amit | Instructor
Sisneros, Heather | Instructor
Siu, Victor | Instructor
Skapura, Neal | Instructor/Temporary
Skinner-Demps, Andrew | Principal Library Tech
Slater, Andrea | Instructor
Smith, Derrick | Instructor
Smith, Jackie | Extra Service, FT Faculty
Smith, Zachary | Instructor/Temporary
Sodhy-Gereben, Iolani | Coordinator/Academic Supt Svcs
Solis, Rosalinda | Instructor/Temporary
Sovula, Mohamed | Financial Aids & Placemt Asst
Spainhower, Corey | Instructor/Temporary
Stallings, Gwendolyn | Financial Aids & Placemt Asst
Stamatakis, Jeannine | Instructor/Temporary
Stark, Inger | Vice President of Instruction
Steward, Paul | Instructor, Part-Time
Storm, Martha | Instructor (Part-Time)
Stretch, Sarah | Instructor
Stroffolino, Chris | Instructor/Temporary
Stucker, James | Instructor/Temporary
Su, Sappho | Instructor
Su, Huizhen | Staff Asst
Sullivan, Autumn | Librarian
Ta, Dangthu | Instructor
Taing, Cynthia | Dept Co-Chair, General Counselor
Talasko, Rachel | Instructor, Part-Time
Tandeta, Hannah | Instructor (Part-Time)
Tautalatasi, Taivale | Coach, Part Time
Teclemariam, Dega | General Counseling, Tigrinya
Teklehaymanot, Nigus | Instructor/Temporary
Tellegen, Karen | Executive Assistant
Tesfai, Sara | Instructor/Temporary
Thaning, Mariella Mirana | Instructor
Thomas, George | Instructor/Temporary
Thomas, Pamela | Instructor (Part-Time)
Thomas, Sheila | Instructor/Temporary
Thomas, Brandon | Asst Coach
Thrower, Lewis | IT Support Specialist
Tiemroth-Zavala, Suzan | Instructor
Tiku, Senait | Staff Asst/Student Services
Tillotson, Janelle | General Counseling
Tinoco, Jessica | Intr For The Hear Imp III
Tobor, Tina | Senior A & R Specialist
Tomas, Alejandria | Dean of Career & Technical Education
Torres, Michael Anthony | Department Chair
Tou, Phillip | Instructor/Temporary
Tracy, James | Instructor, Part-Time
Hong Chen, Guang | Bursar
Tran, Tuan (Jimmy) | Department Network Coordinator
Tran, Van | Instructor
Tran, Ivy (Thao) | Articulation Officer
Tran, Kevin Q. | Principal Financial Analyst
Tran, Tony | Instructor
Trego, William | Department Co-Chair
Trotter, Jacqueline | Instructional Asst./Culinary A
Trunk, Sean | Instructor/Temporary
Truong, Nina | Counselor, Part-Time
Tsang, Dale | Instructor (Part-Time)
Tumzgi, Winita | Student Employment Specialist
Turner, Catherine | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l
Tyson, Benea | Staff Asst/EOPS
Uchima-Decena, Akemi | Instructor (Part-Time)
Umelloh, Nnenna | Instructor
Valdez, Anna | Instructor/Temporary
Valdez, Juan | Instructor/Temporary
Valencia, Javier | Instructor
VanArsdale, John | Instructor
Vasquez, Ilianna | Instructor, Part-Time
Vaughan, Anna | Instructor (Part-Time)
Vaughn, Ramaundo | Instructor/Head Coach
Vierra, Jeremiah | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
Vilchis-Lent, Leticia | Accounting Technician
Wadell, Elizabeth | Instructor
Wang, Kehjih | Instructor/Temporary
Wang, Lin | Instructor
Wanzo, Raquel | Instructor
Ward, Robin | Counselor, Part-Time
Warren, Fan | Instructor (Part-Time)
Wasson, Randle | Sr Library Technician
Watkins, Antonio | Instructor (Part-Time)
Watson, Verlisa | Clerical Assistant II
Weidenbach, Christopher | Instructor
Weiss, Shari | Instructor/Temporary
Werner, Anna | Instructor
Wethers-Coles, Lynn | Instructor/Temporary
Widhalm, Barbara | Instructor
Wikkeling-Miller, Curley | Instructor
Will, Christine | Instructor
Williams, Chandra | Counselor, Part-Time
Williams, Lynne | Coordinator/EOPS/CARE
Williams, Johnnie | Department Co-Chair
Williams, Erica | Department Chair
Williamson, Kathy | Instructor
Williamson, Katherine | Instructor
Willis, Lori | Instructor (Part-Time)
Wilson, Ronnie | Instructional Asst./Culinary A
Wilson, Felipe | Department Co-Chair
Windross, Garfield | Instructor
Winsberg, Paul | Instructor/Temporary
Wolpe, Matthew | Instructor
Wong, Judy | Instructor
Wong, Sidney | Counselor
Wooliever, Margaret | Instructor/Temporary
Wright, Michael | General Counseling
Wu, Bangjun | Instructor
Yasue, Barbara | Instructor
Yee, Susan | Coordinator
Yee, John | Instructor
Young, James | Food Services Worker
Young, Chelsey | Test Proctor
Yu, Barry | Department Chair
Yun, Christina | Instructor, Part-Time
Zamora-Kantor, Miriam | Instructor
Zapata, Francisco | Instructor
Zeigler, Noemi | Instructor (Part-Time)
Zelaya Umanzor, Anthony | General Counseling
Zetlan, Steven | Department Chair
Zhou, Wenwen | Staff Assistant/Instruction
Zhu, Xiaoyan | Child Care Assistant II
Zimmerman, Lauren | Instructor/Temporary
Zion, Raya | Project Manager
Echevarria, Alex | Instructor
Zomorodinia, Minoosh | Instructor (Part-Time)
Gui, Emily | Instructor
Stromberg, Susana | Art Gallery Director
Cornwall, Ashley | Art Dept Coordinator
Hoech, Haley | Instructor & Math Lab Coordinator
McCarthy, Briana | Instructor
Coronado, Laura | Instructor
Lai, Otto | Instructor
Gage, Dr. T | Counselor/Coordinator
Phillip-Alexander, Dr. Kassie | Co-Counselor
Siskin, Sharon | Instructor
Nikolaeva (Pachtrapanska), Daniela | Department Chair
Drange, Matt | Instructor
Kopf, Dan | Instructor
Rutherford-Rojas, Mateo | Instructor
Imara, Nehanda | Instructor
Trinh, Marie | Instructional Assistant: English/Writing Suppor
Peart, Kamela | Instructor/Temporary
Lau, John | Program Specialist/Outreach
Winton, Jason | General/Transition Counselor, Spanish
Cobb, Doug | Athletics Counseling
Payumo Jucaban, Philip | General Counseling
Sahni, Ashish | Vice President of Administrative Services
Espinoza, Lily | Vice President of Student Services
Moore, Chris | Director of IT
Lopez, Lorena | Dean of Enrollment Services
Arnold, MPA, Alyssa | Director, MESA Program
Lee, Crystal | Instructor
Haugnes, Natasha | Instructor (Part-Time)
Sorrell, Clifton | Instructor
Moss, Elise | Instructor
Tolosa, George | Instructor
Thomassen, James | Instructor
Edwards, Christina | Instructor
Nannini, Rachel | Counselor
Trinidad-Lopez, Dr. Judit | General Counseling, Spanish
Smith, Jack | Counselor
Oh, Kyla | Instructor
Dittman, Craig | Instructor
Miller, Amando | Instructor
Mosqueda, Maria | Coordinator
Valentine, Branden | Coordinator
Hsieh, Karina | Trainee
Rodrigues, Flavia | Trainee
Mandac, Alicia | Trainee
Purizaga, Kenny | Trainee
Greenblatt, River | Trainee
Elekwachi, Carrie | Student Mental Health Navigator
Gallegos, Jocelyne | Student Mental Health Navigator
Drawn, Channel | Student Mental Health Navigator
Phothyrath, Bebe | Staff Assisstant
Tang, Allyson | Instructor (Part-Time)
Olson, Kirsten | Instructor (Part-Time)
Hsieh, Kim-Yo | Instructor
Garcia, Jesús | Instructor
Howell, Nik | Adult Ed Project Manager
Tucker, Scot | Instructor