Laney College

CHEM 12B Lab–Week 4

CHEM 12B Lab–Week 4

Monday 2/15

No Lab–President’s Day

Wednesday, 2/17

  • Sublimation of camphor
  • Record IR (KBr pellet method–instructions here) and Melting Point
  • Sodium Borohydride Reduction of Camphor
  • Prepare a separate prelab for Pavia 31B
    • Base your calculations on 0.100 g of camphor
    • You can scale up the reaction, if you recover more than 0.1 g of camphor
    • If you recover less than 0.1 g, use the pure camphor supplied in the lab
  • If time permits (otherwise, these steps can be completed on the following Monday)
    • Prepare a sample for GC-MS (to determine product distribution)
    • Record IR (KBr Pellet)