
Links to Resources

Links to Resources

Undocumented Students Resource Center

Downloads for Undocumented Checklist

Other Resource Links

Immigrants Rising: College Access Resources

California Student Aid Commission (CSAC)

Peralta Foundation Scholarships These scholarships are available to students enrolled in the Peralta Community College District.  A comprehensive website with information for student, faculty, and staff. Very useful user-friendly site for anyone not familiar with AB540. Learn about preparing for college, college admissions, paying for college, and other useful information regarding current and potential AB540 students.

I Can Afford College  A website by the California Community Colleges. This link will take you to the Dream Page

Educators for Fair Consideration (E4FC)   E4FC’s mission is to support undocumented students in realizing their academic and career goals and actively contributing to society. E4FC offers holistic programming that addresses the financial, legal, career, and emotional health needs of undocumented students.

Immigration Legal Intake: Immigrants Rising’s Immigration Legal Intake Service is an online survey to help undocumented young people learn about possible immigration options.


Do you need to talk someone who can understand any anxieties regarding DACA? If yes, click here.

One-pager with resources for faculty and staff