Please note this message was published prior to Dr. Tammeil Gilkerson’s transition from Laney College. Dr. Rudy Besikof currently serves as the College’s Interim President.
Our strategic plan is the culmination of a process begun in fall 2017. After months of bold conversations and thought-provoking work sessions based on careful research and assessment of current initiatives and previous goals, we completed the strategic plan this spring with a new mission and vision for our work in this beloved community.
My sincere appreciation to everyone who engaged in our strategic planning process, facilitated by Dr. Francis White and Dan Rosenberg of the Collaborative Brain Trust (CBT). The participation from the college community, and especially our students and community members, provided invaluable feedback helping ensure the development of focused and realistic goals that align to the needs of our community. Special thanks to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, composed of faculty, classified professionals and administrators who provided critical leadership during the strategic planning process, ensuring breadth of vision and continuity of values, and encouraging a truly collaborative, inclusive process. Lastly, my thanks to the College Council, the primary governing body of the college, for the recognition that as we move forward in uncertain social and economic times, we need a framework to ensure the strongest future direction for Laney College.
This strategic plan provides that framework and serves as an important guide to help the college succeed in the face of any challenges and find opportunities for strengthening our institutional capacity and supporting innovation.
Our new college mission not only articulates our primary purpose to educate, support and inspire students to excel, but also serves as a call-to-action for us to recognize the context of our diverse communities in Oakland and the struggle for social justice and inclusion that is deeply rooted. Our clear vision for the college’s future is simple, clear, and student-focused. While only three words, the refined vision involves building upon Laney’s rich tradition of providing life-transforming educational experiences for students through a recommitment to our restated values of respect, diversity, appreciation, competence, integrity, accountability, innovation and collaboration.
If we continue to uphold these values as the foundational principles for our endeavors, they will foster unity in meeting our mission, vision and the five primary goals identified in the strategic plan. Our goals focus on promoting equity and delivering the highest quality curriculum and services to students, while also cultivating a more collaborative institutional culture that embraces self-reflection, continuous improvement and pride. I am confident these goals and objectives are key to helping Laney College enhance the work environment for our employees and provides a rewarding and rigorous educational experience for our students.
My thanks again to everyone who engaged in this strategic planning process, shaping the contents of this plan and enabling the roll out of a dynamic guide for the future. I welcome your continuing participation.
Tammeil. Y. Gilkerson, Ed.D.