
Noël Fagerhaugh, MA

...helping students stitch their words together into wonderful tapestries of academic brilliance!

miss noël

Noël Fagerhaugh, MA

Ms. Fagerhaugh, or “miss noël” as she prefers, is a former metalworker and current Adjunct Faculty in the English Department at Laney and Merritt colleges. She began her educational path as a student at Laney, then continued on at Mills College where she completed both a BA and MA in Literature, with an emphasis on the Pedagogies of Writing.

She is a first-generation college graduate and knows directly the joys and pains of being a community college student. She is dedicated to helping her students develop their college reading and writing skills to ensure the academic achievement of each and every one. But more than that, she hopes to help students become their best selves, both academically, and as participants in the larger world.

See her for additional help with study skills,  as well as time-management and effective note-taking methods.  She has an excellent track record for helping students transfer into the four-year institution of their choice. So hit her up for help with those short answer and essay questions on your transfer applications!

Oh, and she loves to talk about art and roses. And dogs. And sewing. She really just loves to talk, but she knows how to listen too! 🙂

