Laney College Tower Building photo by Max Bernal

Welcome to the Office of the President

Dear Students,

First, congratulations to you for choosing Laney College. Whether you are joining us on campus, studying online, or both, we welcome you and want to support you as you reach your career, educational and personal goals.  As we continue through these unprecedented times, we want to assure you that we continue to take every safety precaution for those of you who return to our campus for face-to-face classes.

We have managed COVID-19 well at Laney. During the few times we have had reports of positive tests, we have responded in timely fashion in terms of communication and action. We are happy to report that all instances were single positives, meaning that after steps were taken, we did not have any on-campus spreads of the virus.   This happened thanks to the collaboration of all who put in hours of effort to create these safe conditions at our great college.

We hope you will continue to register for classes at If you are still not sure about your major or want to know about our programs, please feel free to explore our many degrees and certificates using our interactive, nationally recognize Areas of Interest and Program Maps. This gives you a chance to start at the end and learn about careers before you begin thinking about the courses you need.  Speaking of support, our Library has chromebook laptops for you to check out, and there are options available for you to receive technology and wifi at no charge as well. Visit our website for more details.

This is an exciting time to be a student at Laney College, as we continue to offer great online classes and services while welcoming everyone back to campus. Please contact me at with any questions, or for general information you can also contact our Public Information Office at Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay updated on everything happening at Laney.

Best wishes to you for the coming Fall semester, as we look forward to welcoming you to our physical and virtual campuses.


Dr. Rudy Besikof
Laney College President

To contact or schedule a meeting with President Besikof, please send an email to:

Judy Mei, Executive Assistant to the President
Phone: (510) 464-3219