Laney College

Syllabus Math 13 Intro to Stat Summer 2021 Sec 30269

Syllabus Math 13 Intro to Stat Summer 2021 Sec 30269

LANEY SUMMER 2021 Math 13 Intro. to Statistics ONLINE

Hyflex Lecture M W 4-5:50PM strongly encouraged : )

Section: L2-30269 June 14, 2021 – July 22, 2021


Professor:                                        Rina Santos

Please email me through Canvas using the Inbox icon.  If you do email me outside of Canvas, use but write in subject heading: Math 13 Summer


Required FREE Downloadable Textbook Online through Openstax

Introductory Statistics, by Barbara Illowsky and Susan Dean, Openstax, 2018


Below is the website for the free download:


Required Material:

  • Any Graphing Calculator (many options besides buying one like borrow one, rent one online,  the Laney Library has a few you can check out for the semester etc.)
  • The use of a computer at home and/or at work to do online homework and online tests is necessary and crucial to your success in this class.


MANDATORY ORIENTATION  – EITHER LIVE ORIENTATION VIA ZOOM.US ON MON June 14 OR BY VIDEO CONFERENCE arranged by appointment only the FIRST WEEK OF Summer School (6/14-6/18) as Summer School starts on 6/14. I will expect that you get into the course via Canvas on Monday via Peralta Portal but if you need help, just email me through Canvas using the “Inbox” icon on the far left middle of your screen or email me at At least START the first homework set Chapter 1, 2 & 3 by Sat 6/19 or you will be DROPPED from the course and those students waiting to be added in and that did attend orientation, either in person or via video conference and already are working in the program will be replacing you.  This is similar to a NO-SHOW on the first day.




PLEASE FIND THE LINK TO THE VIDEO CONFERENCE by clicking on “CONFERZOOM” > “Live Orientation” in our Canvas Class on Monday 6/14 when the class goes live


You can email me your availability for the first week of classes (6/14-6/18) to set up a zoom video conference to fulfill your mandatory orientation requirement after you have watched the posted orientation video from Mon.


PLEASE NOTE: All work is done online with a record of your work being done in a NOTEBOOK (See Notebook section later on in the syllabus). Also, you are required to see me via proctored video conference only TWO more times during the summer session, the proctored Midterm and proctored Final via and then all other work is done online:


The PROCTORED ONLINE MIDTERM is MANDATORY on Monday, June 28 from 4-5:50PM via zoom


The PROCTORED ONLINE COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM is MANDATORY on Monday, July 19 from 4-5:50pm also via zoom


How to decide whether you should come to the live orientation versus set up a meeting for the online video conference:

I would make it a priority to come to the live orientation if you are nervous at all about taking this class and/or if you need extra notes on Chapters 1,2 & 3 material before the first online test.


WARNING: Summer classes go really fast and they cover the same amount of material in 6 weeks as opposed to16 weeks during the regular semester so be prepared to do homework and study and get chapters accomplished every night!


Or if you can meet the deadlines on your own (there are a lot, 13 chapters worth) because you have prior knowledge of math programs in general and can learn from the book and do well on the homework and tests on your own with all work shown on the midterm and final, then you need not attend  the live orientation, but YOU STILL NEED TO WATCH the orientation VIDEO AND STILL SCHEDULE a video conference with me within the first week of summer school so I, as your instructor, can check your progress in the program and of course personally meet each and every one of you.


Please understand that I MUST meet each and every one of you so that I know who my students are, especially when taking the online proctored midterm and proctored final. I must assure my department and the college that the person I will be giving this grade to is the person taking the class and doing the work and taking the tests. I appreciate your cooperation. Please make arrangements NOW to take time off from work or make childcare and/or special arrangements to virtually attend just two dates, Monday, June 28 for the Proctored Midterm and Monday JULY 19 for the Proctored Final to complete this class.  THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS so please plan accordingly.  No excuses!”



  1. Create inferences about populations based on data obtained from samples.
  2. Decide whether or not a particular analytical methodology is appropriate given a particular statistical or probabilistic context and justify your response.
  3. Formulate analyses of graphical relationships between variables in a sample or a population.


Course Topics

  • descriptive statistics, histograms
  • measure of central tendency and spread
  • linear correlation and regression
  • probability
  • normal distribution
  • confidence intervals
  • hypothesis testing
  • one-way ANOVA


Grading Policy

  • Online Homework (MyOpenMath via Canvas)                  20%
  • Notebook/Participation-Pair Work/Knowledge Check   20%
  • Online Quizzes/ Tests                                                              30%
  • Midterm                                                                                      10%
  • Final Exam                                                                                 20%


Total                                                                                                     100%

A: 90 – 100%; B: 80 – 89%; C: 70 – 79%; D: 60 – 69%; F: 0 – 59%



All online tests close either on a Monday or a Wednesday night at midnight. Note: All online tests are open now to take once after you are done with the homework for that chapter, but make sure you complete it BEFORE the deadline.  Once the deadline closes, I WILL NOT reopen the tests for any reason so please manage your time well as you are the only one that knows what days you can complete the assignments and tests. Whether you work on the weekdays or the weekends, you would still have enough time to take the online test by the deadlines.


Please note: for the Midterm and the Final, you are NOT allowed to use notes, books or your own formula sheets during the online proctored exam.  I will let you know which formulas to memorize for the midterm, which concepts will be covered and I will also provide the tables that you will need for that particular test.  For the proctored final, I will provide the tables and formula sheets so really all you have to know is which formula goes with which problem and calculate them correctly. Calculators are ok to use during any test but no phone calculators, so please order your graphing calculator now to use on the exam especially if you are renting them or maybe you have a friend or family member that you can borrow one from. Let me know if you are having difficulty with getting a graphing calculator and we can work on this together.


All exams contain both multiple-choice and a written portion to the test where you must show all work or define completely for full credit. For example on the midterm, it may have 25 multiple choice questions worth 3 points each and 5 questions worth 5 points each or similar formation to add to 100 points. The final may be 30 multiple choice and 1 written portion with several problems worth 40 points   In the written portion, you may receive partial credit for correct work done so far but may not have the correct final answer, whereas the multiple choice questions are just right or wrong.


For the midterm and the final, the questions on each exam will be similar to exercises and examples presented in the textbook and problems from the homework assignments.  Although the above dates are on Mondays, there may be another weekday available for the proctored midterm and the proctored final to accommodate those that work or have class on Monday afternoon, but you must give me at least one week notice by email BEFORE the original date to arrange an alternate proctored midterm or alternate proctored final. The online exams do not have this problem as you can take the online exam on any day before the deadline, but keep in mind that once you open the online exam, you must complete it, it may or may not let you log out and come back in.  It will score whatever you did once you logged out or got kicked off which happens if you are not on a reliable computer. Once you start, try to complete the exam within 2 hours and try to avoid finishing too close to the midnight deadline to assure proper submission of the test online.


There are NO MAKE-UP EXAMS.  I drop the lowest exam score (not including the proctored midterm or the proctored final, those scores are counted) for any missed online exams from illness, computer problems, forgot etc. but don’t miss any more than one online exam as it will seriously affect your grade and at the point of missing two online exams, or if you miss the proctored midterm, that also does not have a make-up exam, you should probably drop the class before it is too late. Last day to drop with a “W” is July 14.


Cheating Policy

Cheating is a very serious offense that I will not tolerate. If you are caught cheating on an exam, you will be given a grade of 0% for that exam. Both, or all parties involved will be charged. In addition, your grade may drop by one level (e.g. No one caught cheating will earn an A in the course.)

Offenses during an exam or quiz include, but are not limited to, talking to another student whether virtually or not, copying another’s exam, getting help from others during an exam especially any websites that have worked out problems for you and using prohibited materials such as cheat sheets, cell phones, HDMI cables, cellular or other devices to cheat. Also, copying and pasting questions or screen shots to send to another person or to an outside source that provides answers is considered cheating. There are many other examples I can give of cheating but the way to obviously tell is when you are trying to side step understanding the material. You will get a zero on the question and/or exam as a minimum disciplinary action. It is not fair to those who are really trying to understand the material and get an honest grade so I will not tolerate any form of cheating and will report violations immediately to administration.



Online Portion Format

This part of the course is presented in a virtual classroom using course management software. It takes advantage of the web’s capacity for interactivity and linking.  It is meant to be available “Anytime, Anywhere” but it must still be “Sometime, Somewhere”.  Online students typically need to be able to learn independently and have the discipline to do the course work and meet deadlines on a regular basis each week.


Course Format

Course material will be divided into chapters with several chapters to one module (weeks).  Each chapter will consist of a homework assignment per section.  You may submit your homework anytime before the deadline, but at the latest midnight on the due date. You must be completed with all homework that the Chapter Tests (Exams) covers by the time the online exam opens. This method is to keep you on track for the next section of homework and the next Test. NO MAKEUP HOMEWORK is allowed, therefore you must meet the weekly deadlines. Please do not email me asking me to reopen any assignments that are past due because of this or that circumstance.  This is exactly why I drop the lowest 3 assignments to accommodate for this and why you must note all the deadlines in your personal calendar.  Don’t wait until the last day to do all your homework due for that week and an hour before the assignment closes at that.  Believe me, I have seen it all. This will also help you decide whether an online course is right for you at this time. If you do decide to drop, it is your responsibility to drop yourself from the class via Passport or the Admission Office but please drop the class by June 20  to avoid getting a “W” on your transcript. Also, the last day to drop the class with a “W” is July 14.


HOMEWORK DUE DATES are usually on Saturday night at midnight.  More specific dates will be posted in Canvas soon. Just click on “View Calendar”on the homepage or our class in Canvas.


MyOpenMath is an online math program:
Students will be using an online program called MyOpenMath. Once you have logged into Canvas, I have imported the program to run in Canvas so there is no need to log into an outside website, it is ALL IN YOUR CANVAS class already.

Make sure to install all necessary programs to avoid any mishaps while doing your homework or taking any online tests. You can login and do your work from any computer via Canvas. Recently, the best browser for Canvas is Google Chrome so if you don’t have that on your laptop, personal computer or on your cell phone, install it and then use it to do all your work ( > Download Chrome)The computers in the Math Lab (if they do open up because of pandemic restrictions on campus) are all set to go so you can use those, but please, please, please always use a reliable computer especially when taking online tests.

Once in Canvas, just click on the “Modules” section and it will have resources on Canvas and also the Modules set up into WEEKS so you know what to do every week.

You can now log into the course anytime, any day and start reading the book and doing your homework.

NOTEBOOK: YOU MUST KEEP A NOTEBOOK OF ALL NOTES, WORK IN EACH SECTION OF THE HOMEWORK AND ALL YOUR WORK FROM EACH ONLINE TEST.  MAKE SURE TO WRITE THE SECTION NUMBER OR WHICH TEST AT THE TOP AND CIRCLE THE PROBLEM #’S AS YOU GO ALONG. This will be graded at the midterm and at the final which is part of your Homework/Participation/Notebook Grade so please keep up with it. DON’T THROW ANY OF YOUR PAPERS AWAY AND KEEP IT ORGANIZED (a Notes section, a Homework section and a Test section) as this part of your grade is worth as much as your Homework Grade, 20% for your Notebook (showing work from your Homework and Tests), 20% for your Online Homework in the Program (Answers you punch into the program) so please be prepared for me to grade it.

PAIR WORK: You are required to meet with one of your classmates to work on an assignment that is not homework, usually a review of material that is given separately. You can choose a classmate or I can assign you. Communication of math concepts to another person is one way to solidify your knowledge into long term memory.  You both will benefit from asking questions, discussing approaches to solving the problems and explaining the math/stats.  You are required to record your meeting for only 30 minutes in “Conference” (Instructions to follow) and then each of you will scan your pages of written work to me and that will fulfill all requirements for the Pair Work grade.  Students love this part! : )

Please email me if you have questions or concerns. Happy Learning!

Office Hours: VIDEO CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS ONLY. Just email what dates and times you are available and I will let you know when I can meet with you in the Online Office Hour Chat Room through Please do not hesitate to ask me for help. This is what I am here for! Don’t worry if you have never video conferenced before, I’ll help you figure it out! : )