As of Spring 2019 Assessment Testing is no longer required before enrollment into English or math courses, if you have graduated from a regionally accredited United States high school within the past 10 years, completed prerequisite courses at another college or university and have applied to Laney College please see the following enrollment steps.
There are two ways that students can enroll into math and English courses. The first one is to have your transcript evaluated by the Assessment Department before seeing a counselor who will use the evaluation document, your transcripts and other placement tools to help you enroll into the correct courses so that you may achieve your educational goals.
The second way to enroll into math and English courses is by going directly to the Counseling Department with a copy of your transcripts. During your counseling appointment your counselor will evaluate your transcripts and use other placement tools to help you enroll into the correct courses so that you may achieve your educational goals.
Please visit the Counseling Department website for information on how to schedule an appointment or what additional documents may be needed for placement.
Following are some examples of Multiple Measure tools that may be used for placement:
Assessment for Placement AB 705 – Multiple Measures
• High School or College Transcripts
• Highest level of coursework completed in a subject area and corresponding course grade.
• Attitude Surveys /Self Placement (math, English & ESOL)
• Vocational or Career Aptitude Interest Inventories
• Specialized Certificates or Licenses
• Education and Employment Histories
• Military Training and Experience
• Interviews
• Holistic Scoring Processes