Don’t let finances get in the way of your dreams. Get help covering college costs like tuition, books, and even rent with a variety of financial aid options designed to support your educational and career aspirations. Explore the possibilities and find the financial resources you need to succeed.
Financial Assistance That DOES NOT Require Repayment
Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP)
The LAEP offers eligible students at public colleges and universities the opportunity to earn money to help defray their educational costs while gaining education-aligned, career-related employment. Go to California Student Aid Commission’s LAEP page for more information.
Financial Assistance That DOES Require Repayment
Federal loans are low–interest loans originated through the Department of Education for students to help pay for the cost of a student’s education after high school. Accepting a loan means accepting responsibility for a long-term financial obligation for repaying the monies borrowed including interest costs and fees. Before you request a loan, make sure you find out the true costs, interest rates, and how long it will take to repay the loan. Go to Peralta’s Student Loans page to get answers to questions regarding federal direct student loans.
There are a number of other support programs that can assist with financing your education and other expenses. Visit the individual websites for more information and apply!
The CalFresh Program, federally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), issues monthly electronic benefits that can be used to buy most foods at many markets and food stores. The CalFresh Program helps to improve the health and well-being of qualified households and individuals by providing them a means to meet their nutritional needs.
Extended Opportunities and Services (EOPS)
EOPS is a state-funded program that serves students from low-income, educationally disadvantaged backgrounds. A FAFSA or Dream Act is required to be eligible. In addition to academic, career, and personal counseling services, students are also provided the following financial resources:
- Book Assistance
- Vocational Supply Grants
- End-of-Year Grants for all eligible students
- Free Graduation Caps and gowns
- Financial Aid Liaison
CalWORKs services include, but are not limited to work study opportunities, academic and personal counseling, as well as, a cooperative partnership with the Department of Social Services. They provide students with the following financial resources:
- Book Assistance: As funding permits, when not granted through the county
- Bus Passes and/or Gas Card: As funding permits; must meet qualifications
- Work Study Programs: Job referrals on and off campus
Cooperative Agencies and Resources for Education (CARE)
Watch this short video on the CARE program
CARE is a state program, which provides financial aid as well as counseling services. The program is specifically designed for students who are single parents, with a need for child care, transportation and/or books and supplies. The grants range from $100 – $600 per academic year and do not need to be repaid. A FAFSA or Dream Act is required to be eligible.
- Book Vouchers: As funding permits and when not granted through the county
- Bus Passes or Gas Card: As funding permits, must meet qualifications
- School Supplies: As funding permits
- Meal Vouchers: Must have financial need
- Child Care Grants: As funding permits, must be in good financial aid standing
- Caps & Gowns: FREE cap & gown for CARE graduates
The NextUp program offers eligible current and former foster youth support and services that could include:
- Help with books and supplies
- Transportation
- Tutoring
- Food
- Emergency Housing
Watch videos and read stories about real community college students, current and former foster youth, who received help through NextUp.
The HireUP Program provides stipends to formerly incarcerated, CalWORKs, and former foster youth enrolled students to help you meet the true cost of college attendance and to help remove financial barriers to meeting your education and career goals.
Enrollment Level | Hours | Monthly Stipend (4 weeks) |
6-8.99 units | 20 | $1,280 |
9-11.99 units | 30 | $1,920 |
12+ units | 40 | $2,560 |
*$16.00 is the California Minimum Wage as of January 2024
At Laney College, we are committed to your success. Our campus offers a comprehensive range of free support services designed to help you thrive academically, personally, and professionally.
Visit our Student Support Services page to learn more and access the support you need to succeed at Laney College!