
Fred Bourgoin — Mathematics

We miss you, Stephen.
We hope that René, Phillippa and you aren’t talking turkey.

Fake pic

Born and raised in France. Mathematically educated in California. Loves math, music, cars, teaching (not necessarily in that order).

Summer 2024

Math 3B (Calculus II), Mon–Thu 9:00a-12:45p, G-209

Office hours: Mon–Thu 1–2pm in G-201 (Math Lab)

Fall 2024

Math 3B (Calculus II), TTh 10:00a-12:15p, G-207
Math 3B (Calculus II), TTh 1:30p-3:45p, G-210
Math 3C (Calculus III), MW 1:30p-3:45p, F-201
Math 3F (Differential Equations), MW 11:00a-12:15p, G-209

Office hours TBA