

Student Showcase

GrArts Students Design Cookbook Event Poster SP22

Graphic Arts Student Projects:
Class: GRART 34 Adobe Illustrator
Instructor Daniela Nikolaeva Pachtrapanska
“Climate Hope”

Students in the Graphic Arts Department at Laney College express their feelings,
in a project called “Dreamscape” about COVID-19, cooping with uncertainty,
social distancing, stress and isolation.
–  Daniela Nikolaeva

New Gallery Coming Soon

Class: GRART 36 Adobe Photoshop Basics
Instructor Daniela Nikolaeva Pachtrapanska
COVID-19 “Dreamscapes”

These digital artworks, created by my students, visually represent our hope for fighting harmful climate change. In my GRART 36 Photoshop class at Laney College, I gave my students an assignment to do research and learn about climate change. Then, they put what they had learned in my class into practice to created photocollages that express their emotions.

The student artworks exemplify the perils of climate change, but also the hope for our planet. These digital photocolleges are also a call for action and to unite in our fight for a better future and cleaner environment.
–  Daniela Nikolaeva