
Humanities & Philosophy Course Offerings



Humanities Course Offerings:


Introduction to the New Testament

Course Number: HUMAN 6

Units: 3

Class: 3 hours lecture

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Description: Introduction to the New Testament: Emphasis on the

history, culture, teachings, and development of the New

Testament and its impact on Western culture.

Introduction to the Old Testament

Course Number: HUMAN 7

Units: 3

Class: 3 hours lecture

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Description: Introduction to the texts and development of the Torah,

Old Testament and Apocrypha: Emphasis on the history,

cultural influences, language, authorship, events, and

beliefs of ancient Israel.

Introduction to Islam

Course Number: HUMAN 16

Units: 3

Class: 3 hours lecture

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Description: Introduction to Islam: Emphasis on the history, major

figures, texts, and guiding principles of Islam

Human Values/Ethics

Course Number: HUMAN 30A

Units: 3

Class: 3 hours lecture

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Description: Analysis of concepts of good and right in our society and

of criteria of conduct: Various religious, philosophic,

scientific, and aesthetic aspects of moral behavior

integrated with reason and emotion of the individual.

Human Values/Aesthetics

Course Number: HUMAN 30B

Units: 3

Class: 3 hours lecture
HUMAN 30A is not prerequisite to HUMAN 30B

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Description: Analysis of the nature of the beautiful as expressed in

visual arts, music, and literature of Western and other

cultures: Integration of various aspects of daily and

transitory activities of the individual to permanent,

recorded expression of the human spirit through the use

of major works of art.

Arts and Ideas of Western Culture

Course Number: HUMAN 31A

Units: 3

Class: 3 hours lecture

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Description: History of ideas from ancient Greece to the Renaissance:

Ideas as expressed in literature, theater, architecture,

sculpture, and painting; the lasting importance of basic

concepts and values.

Religions of the World

Course Number: HUMAN 40

Units: 3

Class: 3 hours lecture

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Description: Comparative study of the world’s great religions:

Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism,

Christianity, and Islam; original sources stressed.

Selected Topics in Humanities

Course Number: HUMAN 48GA-MZ

Units: .5-5

Class: 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Independent Study in Humanities

Course Number: HUMAN 49

Units: .5-5

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Selected Topics in Humanities

Course Number: HUMAN 248GA-MZ

Units: .5-5

Class: 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory

Philosophy Course Offerings:

Introduction to Philosophy

Course Number: PHIL 1

Units: 3

Class: 3 hours lecture

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Description: Study of selected classic examples of original

works of philosophers literature of the discipline

and analytical methods, aims, goals, and types of

problems peculiar to philosophers and philosophical

inquiry; metaphysics, epistemology, valuing and

axiology, aesthetics, and religion.


Social and Political Philosophy

3 units, 3 hours lecture

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Focus on classic examples of social and political

philosophy in Western civilization: Original

writings by classic Greeks (Plato and Aristotle),

Americans (Hamilton, Madison, and Jefferson),

modern Europeans (Marx and Mills), and

appropriate contemporary philosophers.


Philosophy of Religion

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Philosophy of religion from both an existential and

historical perspective: Existentially, through an

examination of “religion” as personal, social and

theological; and historically, through an examination

of common doctrines in the Semitic, Vedic and East

Asian religions.

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3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Consideration of logical problems of language:

Deduction and induction, fallacies, theory of

argument and the scientific method, and study of

correct reasoning in Aristotelian and modern logic.


Introduction to the Philosophy of Death

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Analysis of the concepts of life, death and meaning

as expressed in classical East and West, modern and

contemporary perspectives.


History of Ancient Greek Philosophy

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Chronological development of leading philosophical

perspectives of Ancient Greece from the Ionians to the



History of Modern European Philosophy

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Chronological development of leading philosophical

perspectives of Modern Europe from the Renaissance to



Introduction to Asian Philosophy

3 units, 3 hours lecture (GR)

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Major philosophies and religions of Asia: Emphasis on

the origins, myths, and basic teachings of Hinduism,

Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Shinto;

special attention to current influences of Eastern

philosophy and religion on Western culture.


Selected Topics in Philosophy

.5-5 units, 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory

Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC

Selected Topics in Philosophy


.5-5 units, 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory