Laney College

CIS 6 – Introduction to Programming

Course Description & Syllabus

CIS 6 – Introduction to Programming


This course is an introduction to the concepts of computer programming. The basic principles of programming are stressed, using a problem-solving approach, with emphasis on the design and implementation of functions, representation of abstract data, and the effects of different programming methods on software development.

The fundamental constructs of programming are covered in detail: Variables, Data Types, Commands, Decisions, Loops, and Functions are explained, and lab assignments are used to illustrate and further solidify the concepts. Programming as a career is discussed.

The Python programming language is used as the example language, but the goal of the course is to teach the general principles of programming applicable to all programming and general details of this one specific language.

Suggested Background Knowledge

  • Understand basic computer concepts and computer science.
  • Be able to use computer effectively: Internet, e-mail, file and folder management, download and install programs.
  • Proficient at office applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Suggested Course Work: CIS 1 – Introduction to CIS, or CIS 5 – Introduction to Computer Science

Course Outline
An Overview of Computers and Programming
The Software Development Cycle
Flowcharts and Pseudocode
Data Types – Numbers, Strings and Lists
Mathematical Expressions, Boolean Expressions
Conditional Statements, Making Decisions
Elements of High-Quality Programs
File Handling and Applications
Theories of Class
Graphics and Objects
Object Oriented Programming Introduction


PYTHON​ ​IDLE​ ​DOWNLOAD​ ​KIT​: ​ – The latest version available. We will use Python 3 in this course

SUBLIME TEXT EDITOR: – Free to download and use.

Required​ ​Textbook:
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science, Third Edition – John Zelle
ISBN-13: 978-1590282755

Grading Policy:
50% – Labs (5 points for each top 10 labs)
30% – Projects (Total up to 6 projects. 5 points each)
20% – Final Project/Presentation
Up to 3% Extra credit – Consistent Attendance and Participation in Piazza