Laney College

Welcome to Chem30A

Welcome to Chem30A

Welcome to Chem30A, Introductory General (Inorganic) Chemistry at Laney College!


My name is Scott Beaver, Ph.D. You can reach me at


Please attend the first class on Sat 1/30 to ensure that you get a spot on the roster. If you are registered, you must let me know if you plan to miss this class to avoid being dropped. If you are on the wait list, attend class and I will take your contact info to distribute any add codes by the second class meeting. Please don’t ask for an add code on our first meeting, because I don’t have them ready until I get a firm count.


Please review, print, and bring to class the materials posted on the web page for our first meeting on 1/30. (The original link is to the left under the Recent Posts for each week of class.)

Here is the correlation grid showing the corresponding textbook problem numbers for previous textbook editions.