Laney College

Why Engineering?

Why Engineering?

Engineering: is the application of science and mathematics to solve real-world problems. Engineers decode how things work and find practical uses for scientific discoveries. Scientists and inventors often get the credit for innovations that advance our everyday lives; however, engineers are instrumental in making those innovations available to the world.

A career in engineering is interesting, challenging, and exciting. It involves continuous learning and adaptation to an ever-changing society and natural world. It often involves working in multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural, multi-site teams. It is a very worthwhile profession, and the results, when you succeed, can be incredibly satisfying and rewarding.

Engineering is also one of the fastest-growing fields. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, engineering occupations are projected to grow 6 percent from 2020 to 2030, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 146,000 new jobs are projected to be added. The median annual wage for engineering occupations was $79,840 in May 2021, higher than the median yearly wage for all careers in the economy, which was $45,760.

The following are the top Engineering career paths based on indeed

Biomedical engineer

Electrical engineer

Robotics engineer

Chemical engineer

Mechanical engineer

Computer engineer

Aerospace engineer

Civil engineer

Petroleum engineer

Environmental engineer

Marine engineer

Bill Nye AKA the Science Guy, Mechanical Engineer, Science Commentator and Television presenter once said, “There is nothing I believe in more strongly than getting young people interested in science and engineering, for a better tomorrow, and for all mankind.” The STEM Core Program is committed to creating a more equitable and inclusive STEM workforce by providing opportunities for all students to succeed. By inspiring and supporting young people to pursue STEM careers, we can create a better tomorrow for all mankind.