Laney College


Science Learning Program


STEM Core! 

STEM Core is a cohort-based science learning community for students interested in pursuing a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Program participants will take classes together, receive academic counseling, tutoring, intensive Math preparation, and a chance to compete in a paid summer internship. Students will explore careers in Engineering, Cybersecurity and Computer Science and be prepared to transfer to four-year universities. The program is for Laney College students only! 

  • STEM Major (Science Technology, Engineering, Computer Science and Math) 
  • Full-time Laney College student or carry at least six units including STEM Core classes  
  • Eligible to take Math 50 (Trigonometry) and/or Math 1 (Precalculus)  
  • Actively Participate in STEM Core program events  

  • Complete Precalculus, Trigonometry, and Calculus classes in one year 
  • Embedded tutoring and study group (Math) 
  • One-on-one tutoring (Math) 
  • Access to an exclusive paid summer internship (6-7k/10 weeks) 
  • Visit National Labs, local Engineering and Computer Science employers (Tesla, SAP, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ALS, NERSC)
  • Job shadowing opportunities at NASA Ames and National Labs
  • Priority registration in Math, CIS, and Engineering classes 
  • Help with resume and scholarship application  
  • Participate in STEM Core workshops to gain hands-on experience 
  • Academic and social support 

Non-Engineering science students can substitute Engin 10/77/Math 118 with a course related to their preferred major (CIS 6, Bio 1A, or Chem 30/1A with Laney instructors).

Option 1 - Precalculus + Engineering 10/77   (Engineering Majors)
CC#    Course    Units   Instructor   Time    Campus   
41277 Math 1– Precalculus 4 C. Will M/W 1:30 pm – 3:20 pm Laney F-205
41469 Engin 10 - Intro to Engineering  - Lec 3 M. Barkdull W 3:30 pm - 5:20 pm Laney G- 240
43486 Engin 10 - Intro to Engineering  - Lab M. Barkdull M 3:30 pm - 5:20 pm Laney G- 240
41810 Engin 77– MATLAB - Lec 4 M. Barkdull TBA Online
41811 Engin 77– Lab - M. Barkdull TBA Online
Option 2 - Precalculus + Data Science  (Data Science Majors)
CC#    Course    Units   Instructor   Time    Campus   
41277 Math 1– Precalculus 4 C. Will M/W 1:30 pm – 3:20 pm Laney F-205
42042 Math 118 – Intro to Data Science - Lec  4 K. Oh M/W 9:00 am – 10:15am TBA
42043 Math 118 – Lab - K. Oh M/W 10:30 am – 11:45 am TBA
Option 3 - Precalculus + CIS 5/6  (CS Majors)
CC#    Course    Units   Instructor   Time    Campus   
41277 Math 1– Precalculus 4 C. Will M/W 1:30 pm – 3:20 pm Laney F-205
Any CIS 5 - Intro to Computer Science 5
Any CIS 6 - Intro to Programming 5
Option 4 - Precalculus + Other STEM Courses  (Other STEM Majors)
CC#    Course    Units   Instructor   Time    Campus   
41277 Math 1– Precalculus 4 C. Will M/W 1:30 pm – 3:20 pm Laney F-205
Any Biology/Chemistry/Physics 5