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Alternative High School

Gateway To College

Laney graduate


Gateway to College at Laney is an alternative high school that provides Bay Area students with an opportunity to experience success in an academically rigorous, supportive, and safe environment as they pursue their high school diplomas and transition into college through concurrent enrollment. Gateway has partnered with Oakland Unified School District and Peralta Community Colleges since 2009.  The program provides “At Promise” Alameda County students with the resources and mentorship needed to recover credits while concurrently taking transferable college courses.

At Gateway, students receive holistic support to explore their life goals in a space that encourages growth and the development of a personalized education plan. Additional programming provides students with the opportunity to attend field trips, skills work shops, and participate in student life on the Laney campus.

Program Benefits

  • Complete high school diploma with only 190 high school credits
  • Receive an accredited OUSD high school diploma upon completion
  • Get comprehensive student service support
  • Personalized education planning
  • FREE tuition
  • FREE class materials and supplies
  • FREE textbooks

Interest List is NOW OPEN!

Information Sessions are a great way for prospective students and supporters to learn about Gateway’s structure, requirements, and expectations.

All sessions will be held via Zoom from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM on the following dates and attendance with a guardian is mandatory:
  • March 4th
  • March 18th
  • April 1st
  • April 15th
  • April 29th
  • May 6th

If students cannot attend any of the scheduled sessions, they can contact Mayra Martinez (mayramartinez@peralta.edu) to arrange an individual appointment or ask any questions.

Meeting ID:
885 4545 5678
What Happens Next?
  • The day after attending an Information Session, students will receive the application.
  • Students should begin working on their essay and obtain a recent copy of their high school transcript.
  • Once complete, applications should be submitted to [Gateway to College].
  • Students who meet initial eligibility requirements will be invited to participate in evaluation sessions.


Office: (510) 986-6941

Director, Gateway To College
Dr. William Ramos-Ochoa
Phone: (510) 464-3592

Staff Assistant
Senait Yehaulashet
(510) 986-6941

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9 :00am – 3:00pm
A Building, 203 & 204 (A-203 & A-204)

Click the map image to enlarge, or view in Google My Maps



Follow Us! @laneygtc

Gateway to College Eligibility Requirements

  • Between the ages of 16-20 *Must be able to graduate by the age of 21
  • A resident of Alameda County
  • Must be behind in high school credits or dropped out of high school

Gateway to College FAQs

Gateway to College High School Completion Scholarship Program

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for Gateway to College (GtC) Applicants

Is Gateway a GED (General Educational Development) program?

Gateway to College (GtC) is a not a GED program. It is a high school recovery program that allows students who have left high school without a diploma or who are behind in credits to earn college credit while completing the requirements for their high school diplomas.

How does the Gateway to College program work?

Once you have been admitted, you will be enrolled in a Gateway to College learning community at Laney College for two semesters.

  • A learning community is a small group of students (i.e., a cohort) who take all of their courses together in preparation for becoming college students on the college campus.
  • Learning community courses are reading / writing, math, and college preparation / academic success.
  • Students receive intensive academic and counseling support.
  • Students will earn both high school and college credits starting in their first term.
  • Students spend 3-4 hours per day outside of class working on homework.

After successfully completing the learning community, students transition into regular Laney classes.

  • Students enroll in Laney College courses and continue to earn both high school and college credit, as they work towards earning a high school diploma.
  • All courses students’ courses are selected with the assistance of a counselor and are based upon each student's high school completion plan and educational goals.

How do I apply for the program?

Potential students must apply and be selected to become part of the Gateway to College community. The selection process is competitive and involves submitting an application (visit the Gateway to College Forms page on our website for a copy of the application), completing a number of math and English evaluations, and being interviewed by a Gateway to College staff member. Note, beginning in fall 2014, Gateway will only enroll up to 60 new students each Fall semester, which begins in August. We will no longer enroll a new cohort of students for the spring term. Interested students will need to complete the application process including their interviews by mid-July.

When do classes start / end?

The program follows the Laney College academic calendar. Fall term is August through December, spring term is January through May, and summer term is June through July. Both fall and spring terms are approximately 17 weeks and summer term is 6 weeks.

What can I achieve in this program?

Students can earn their high school diplomas and college credits toward a certificate or a degree.

How long would it take me to earn my high school diploma?

Most students are in Gateway to College for three to six semesters. The exact length of time to earn a diploma varies by a student’s course load and credit needs.

How long can I remain in Gateway to College?

Students remain in Gateway to College until they earn a diploma or turn 21 years old. We encourage graduates of the program to continue to pursue a postsecondary credential or degree.

Who are Gateway to College students?

Gateway to College is for Alameda County residents who are:

  • 16 to 20 years old
  • Behind in high school credits (for age and grade) or have left high school without a diploma
  • Reading at an eighth grade level
  • Able to complete the requirements (e.g, CAHSEE, credits) to earn their high school diplomas by age 21
  • Willing to make a long term commitment (three to six semesters) to work hard to complete high school while making progress toward a college degree

Gateway to College does not serve students who are doing well in high school and want to make an early transition to college. Gateway to College works exclusively with students who have not experienced success in a traditional high school. The program is designed for students who are either no longer attending school or who are significantly behind in credits and are unable to graduate with their peers.

Who is the ideal candidate for Gateway to College?

The ideal candidate for the Gateway program is focused on pursuing their college goals while earning their high school diploma. Students who want to earn their high school diploma as quickly as possible or who just want to get their credits up may want to consider other programs (see the Other Alternative Education Programs on the Gateway to College Forms page).

What is expected of Gateway students?

  • Students are expected to attend 100% of their classes.
  • Students are expected to come to class on time (9 am), be prepared with class materials, and to complete all class and homework assignments.
  • Students in their first year in the program are expected to attend program activities Monday through Friday.
  • Students are expected to spend 3-4 hours a day working on their homework (outside of class time). We strongly encourage students who have a job to consider the time demands of the program.
  • Students are expected to adhere to all Laney College policies and procedures.

What is the cost of the program?

Gateway to College is a scholarship program. The scholarship pays for college tuition and books. Gateway students only need to pay for school supplies.

What kind of support will help me be successful in a college setting?

Gateway to College students are offered a safe, rigorous and supportive learning environment that includes a skilled and caring instruction team. Each class is led by a college instructor with the support of several learning coaches (tutors).

Workshops, guest speakers, field trips and program events that are meant to inspire and encourage students in their growth to become successful college students.

Students who are accepted into the program are assigned a counselor. The counselor provides support and access to resources to help all students in the program to be successful. Counselors provide the following services:

  • Transcript reviews, student education plans (SEPs), and academic advising.
  • Assistance with completing enrollment and registration.
  • Referrals to resources, such as tutoring, counseling, student activities, health services, and more.
  • Personal counseling and guidance including assistance with problem solving, time management and stress management.

If I have been on an Individual Education Plan (IEP) at my high school, will I still receive the same services and support at Laney College?

Applicants who have received Special Education Services and who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) in place are required to meet with a counselor prior to their enrollment in the program. This meeting will help determine if Gateway is an appropriate placement for you. We cannot guarantee that this process can be completed in time for acceptance for the term for which you are applying.

Gateway To College Application Process

Step 1: Complete Our Student Interest List

  • Fill out all information to the best of your ability
  • Contact the GTC office if you are having trouble or need assistance filling out the form

Step 2: Attend An Information Session (Reservations Required)

Info sessions are essential to learning about our program structure, requirements, and expectations. There is also a time for attendees to ask for clarification on any questions.


Step 3: Complete An Application Packet

  • After students attends an Information Session they will receive follow up email with the upcoming semester application attached
  • Students must request a copy of transcripts from all high schools they have attended
  • Students must complete the Consent to Release Confidential Information Form (Anyone under 18 will need a guardian’s signature)
  • The School District Information Form must be taken to the last school attended to have a representative fill it out
  • Be sure to submit your essay response in you submission 
*Please do not provide Social Security Numbers within any Applications. We will contact potential students and guardians regarding additional information.

Step 4: Participate In An Individual Interview

  • Following the submission of an application and transcripts, our office will reach out to schedule an interview on the Laney campus
  • Interviews allow staff to get to know prospective students experiences, goals, and expectations
  • Interviews typically take 30 minutes, but may vary

Step 5: Student Selection Committee Review

  • The Student Selection Committee will review all applications
  • Students are evaluated and accepted based on eligibility requirements, readiness, and availability of spaces
  • It is a competitive process – Acceptance is not guaranteed
  • Applicants will be contacted within 5 business days regarding an acceptance decision

If for some reason, you do not receive a call and/or notification letter, please call us to check on your status. MAKE SURE CONTACT INFORMATION ON FILE IS UP TO DATE. 

Good luck and thank you for your interest in the Gateway to College Program!

Cohort Model

Gateway promotes success and readiness by grouping students into learning communities for their first term. Resources specialists work directly with their cohorts to promote a sense of guidance and community for students. After completing their Foundation semester, students transition to taking classes with the general Laney student population. Resource Specialists work with students to focus on a pathway or major that aligns with the completion of credits.

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