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Design. Create. Innovate.
welcome to the FabLab

The Laney College FabLab is a digital fabrication workshop open to all current students, faculty, and staff. It is free to use, and no prior experience is required—just a willingness to learn and a pair of closed-toed shoes.

What Is Digital Fabrication?

Digital fabrication is a process that uses digital design technologies and automated tools to create physical objects.

Our mission is to provide equitable access to digital fabrication, inspiring creativity and fostering a community where innovation, safety, and craftsmanship come together. Our experienced staff offers training in equipment usage and safety, access to necessary software, and basic materials for all machines.

Temporary Schedule While We Move

fablab temporary hours


FabLab Move To Art Center Updates
Hello Fabricators,
Once again, the lab is preparing for a mid-semester move from the original Fab Lab (TH109) to our new home in the Art Center (AC130). This post is to answer some of your questions and to ask how I can best support you and your students this semester in light of what's going on.
How come you're not moved yet?
Although construction of AC130 is virtually complete, a certificate of occupation has not yet been issued for the space. We are welcome to move our things in, but we are not yet able to bring our human bodies with us. With no firm date set to receive said certificate of occupancy, I have decided to stay in TH109 in order to sustain service to students for the spring semester.


Okay, so WHEN will you move?
For now, a tentative time window that straddles spring break has been set. Two weeks before and one week after. Occupying the space still requires a certificate of occupancy, so, these dates remain subject to change. During this move window, all of the machines in the lab and many existing fixtures will be moved to AC130, with the exception of the ShopBot CNC, which will remain in Th109 until finals week, in order to provide continuous access to this machine during spring semester.


Alright. So, for now we operate as normal?
Yes, with one exception: weekly shop hours will change to make room for moving-related activities such as outfitting AC130, improving our existing storage and inventory, and any related and unforeseen tasks. Updates to the hours will be posted here.


If you are interested in contributing to the success of the move, please help me gather data by filling out this shop hours poll: https://forms.gle/ow92HWBezbqryibv9


You can also email me citing your interests and/or expertise and we can discuss related areas of need. As always, you must be a currently enrolled Laney student (or current Laney employee) to take part in Laney FabLab activities.


Digital Fabrication Laboratory Technician
Holly Morris
Email: hmorris@peralta.edu

fablab logo

Digital Fabrication Laboratory Technician
Holly Morris

Hours of Operation
Tuesday & Wednesday
11:00am – 2:00pm; 3:00 - 7:00pm
9:00am – 12:00pm; 1:00pm - 5:00pm

We only operate during school sessions (Fall & Spring)
We will observe all District Holidays.

Support the Laney FabLab!

Your donation helps us innovate and create! All contributions are tax-deductible, and we truly appreciate your support.