Lake Tahoe image overlooking emerald bay



A little about me:

I had a traditional university education (B.A. in Biology, M.S. in Genetics from UC San Diego, and Ph.D in Cell and Molecular Biology from UC Berkeley) and I very much enjoy the small class format of the community college and the teaching emphasis at Laney College. I teach both majors Biology 1A and the nonmajors Biology 10 classes.    I love teaching biology, particularly classes with lab components as we get to explore the lecture concepts through experimentation, observation, data gathering and analysis and just having fun in the lab.

Working in a hood growing cells

My classes are taught in B201 (majors biology) and B202 (Bio 10 lab classes) and my office is located in B200, although I often hold office hours in the lab rooms of B201 or 202. I also teach these classes in hybrid or online formats as well as face to face (depending on the semester).  There is a schedule posted of where I can be found in my office window.     I also can be reached by email. My address  is

My courses are very interactive.  Lectures often involve questions asked of students, explorations of ideas, and exchanges of ideas.  I encourage student involvement in both the lecture and lab portions of the class.    I expect punctuality and good attendance in my courses.  There is a lot of material to cover and regular participation is crucial to success.   Biology is a complex and interconnected subject that I thoroughly enjoy teaching.  There is always more to learn and new discoveries being made.  It is particularly exciting when lecture topics in the classroom coincide with news stories being reported.

We use Canvas Learning Management system extensively as support material and during the Covid era to deliver information about labs and recorded lectures.