Bio 10 is Introductory General biology (Lecture and Lab) for nonmajors. We meet for 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab a week. Bio 10 is great place to start if you are familiar with science or had strong science classes in high school. If not, you may want to focus on your math and English skills before taking this class, then come in when your ready. This class can be overwhelming if you are not prepared, so feel free to talk to me about it first.
Course Description: Bio 10: Fundamentals of biology for the non-majors: Scientific inquiry, biological chemistry, cell structure and function, DNA genetics, evolution and ecology, and an overview of living organisms. Includes laboratory exercises designed to complement lectures.
FALL 2023 we will have fully online (lecture and lab), AND fully face to face (lecture and lab) options. Make sure you look at the modality as you sign up for classes
BIOL 10 sections are taught by Dr. Leslie Blackie, Amy Bohorquez, , Emily Quach
Click our names to find out more about us.
Introduction to Biology 11
BIOL 11 (this course doesn’t have a lab) is taught by Dr. Kevin Davis (, Laurie Allen-Requa ( or Emily Quach (
Bio 11: Fundamentals of biology for the non-majors: Scientific inquiry, biological chemistry, cell structure and function, DNA genetics, evolution and ecology, and an overview of living organisms.
BIOL 10 information – syllabus and calendars
Fall 2023 – coming soon but similar to past semesters
Syllabus online sections BIOL 10 BlackieOnlineF23
Online sections will use this calendar BIOL 10 Online Calendar Fall 23
Face to Face sections have similar information
Spring 2023
Syllabus BIOL 10 BlackieBohorquezGuthSpring23
Online sections will use this calendar BIOL 10 Spring 23 Calendar Online
Hybrid sections (in person labs) will use this calendar BIOL 10 Hybrid Calendar Spring 23
Past semesters
Syllabus BIOL 10 BlackieQuach Spring22
Online sections will use this calendar BIOL 10 FALL 2022 Calendar
Hybrid sections will use this calendar BIOL 10 Hybrid Calendar Spring 22
To support your learning process we have Lecture notes and a Lab manual. We provide both once you are registered in the class. There are study questions at the end of each topic to help you review the material. Please be aware of dates and times we will be on campus for you to pick things up.
Laney College Biology 10 Lab Manual and Lecture workbook is also downloadable through the Canvas site
Check out the Laney Student Guide for What to Expect which contains general information about online courses. Laney also has Online Student Services. We also encourage you to take some time in the Peralta Student Resources – the Modules view gives you a good overview of what’s there. This website includes some great Tips for Success for Online Learning.