
Biol 1A General Biology for Majors – Cell and Molecular Biology

Biol 1A General Biology for Majors – Cell and Molecular Biology

General Biology for Majors (BIOL 1A)

This class is the first semester of a two semester series designed for students who are majoring in the Biological or Health Sciences. As we learn more about cells, and DNA and biotechnology we can find solutions to health challenges as well as appreciate the world around us

Units 5  Class 3 hours lecture 6 hours laboratory

Description: Introduction to general biology; Cell structure and function, metabolism, molecular and organismal genetics and animal physiology

College level chemistry (Chem 1A) is a prerequisite.  Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC  AA/AS area 1 CS area B2, B3 IGETC area 5B, 5C (C-ID BIO 190, 130S)

We use the Zero cost textbook available through open resources on our canvas shell or if you prefer the  Campbell Biology textbook as the textbook.  The lab manual that was written by myself is available through Canvas and we also use some simulations from Labster (also availagle through canvas).   Most of the information is on the Canvas site for the class which you can access once you are enrolled in the class. Here is the syllabus that gives detailed information on course policies, assessments and  assignments and the detailed information on chapters covered in lecture and lab

For FALL 2024, Biol 1A will be  taught hybrid – with lectures online and labs  fully in person.  Lectures will be recorded and available asynchronously and Labs will be 9:30 – 12:20 on Mondays and Weds on the Laney Campus.  We will be learning hands on skills in the labs.  There will be supplemental information using Labster simulations and on Canvas.  The syllabus and calendar will be similar to Fall 2023

Fall 2023 syllabus and calendar


BIOL 1A Blackie Syllabus Fall 2023

Lecture:  This portion of your course will be “self-paced”  (also known as asynchronous) with set due dates for completing review of videos before the related lab experiment.  Lectures will all online

Lab:  Normally we would be in the lab 6 hours a week. For some labs there may also be online labs in case of missing an in person lab.  I have created pages with videos to help walk you through the lab and then posted the important material you need.  Also we will be using Labster simulations – accessible through Canvas site.

Technology: You will need a computer and internet access. We do use simulations labs (Labster) in this class you will need audio/video capabilities for class interactions and presentations.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Define the functions of organelles and explain cellular processing including respiration, photosynthesis, mitosis, meiosis and transcription/translation in class discussion and on exams.
  • Describe the chemical makeup of macromolecules and their importance in the structure and function of the cell
  • Explain the importance of DNA as the genetic information and define how it directs the functions of the cell.  Integrate knowledge of DNA with the concepts of genetics and biotechnology
  • Appraise ethical issues involves with the study of genetics, biotechnology and medicine and express this reasoning in classroom discussions
  • Write clear, well organized lab reports.  Analyze the results of laboratory experiments and evaluate sources of experimental error