Transferring To A UC, CSU Or HBCU
Transferring To A UC

There are nine undergraduate campuses within the University of California (UC) system. These campuses are located across California and offer a diverse range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree programs.
UC Transfer Requirements
- Complete your Math & English requirements early.
- Complete major preparation coursework early in your academic career. Look at for specific UC major requirements for each UC campus.
- Meet with a counselor to go over the ASSIST articulation agreement and plan out your courses by completing a Student Education Plan.
- Complete 60 UC transferable semester units with a minimum 2.4 grade point average (2.8 for Non-residents) for minimum eligibility. The GPA for admission can be significantly higher due to the applicant pool.
- Meet with a Laney College Counselor to determine which option is best for your intended UC Major (s) :
- IGETC GE Pattern
- UC campus breadth requirements OR
- UC minimum requirements
UC Resources & Programs
- Six of the UC’s offers Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG). Meet with a Laney College Counselor to learn more about TAG and plan your courses early for TAG. More information on TAG can be found here.
- UC Transfer Pathways can be a useful tool for exploring popular majors and what UC campuses offer them.
- Create a UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP) to keep track of your progress to transfer to the UC. UC TAP is also what you will submit when applying for UC Transfer Admission Guarantee so it is recommended that you create and maintain your UC Transfer Admission Planner.
UC Campus Resources
- Check your UC Major – Check your major for the term you are applying for to see if the UC is accepting applications
- Important Dates & Deadlines
- Next Step: After You Apply
- UC Application
- UC Campuses & Majors
- UC Personal Insight Questions – The UC's require all transfer students applying to the UC to submit personal insight questions
Transferring To A CSU

There are 23 campuses within the California State University (CSU) system. These campuses are spread throughout the state of California and offer a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs.
- Learn more about the CSU campuses: Facts about the CSU
- See which CSU Campus is right for you: CSU Campus Match
- Explore different majors at the CSU: Transfer Major Explorer
CSU Transfer Requirements
The Golden Four must be complete with a grade C- or better:
A1- Oral Communication
COMM 1A, 20, 44, 45 OR ESOL 50A*,50B~
*Effective Fall 2020
~Effective Fall 2021
A2 - Written Communication
A3 - Critical Thinking
ENGL 5 , PHIL 10
*For some high unit majors, exceptions may apply
(See a counselor for details)
CSU High Unit Major Exemption
B4 - Mathematics
MATH 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3E, 3F, 11, 13, 15, 16A, 16B, 50
PHYS 4A, 4B, 4C
- The 60 CSU Transferable will consist of your major and general education coursework
- For major specific requirement check
- You have two choices to satisfy your CSU General education: IGETC or CSU GE
Complete 60 CSU Transferrable Semester Units With A Minimum of 2.0 GPA
Please keep in mind the GPA for admission can be higher because of the major, campus, and/or applicant pool.
Consider Completing An Associates Degree For Transfer (ADT)
ADTs provide a clear pathway for California community college students to CSU degrees. Learn more about ADTs: CSU ADTs
Apply On Time!
- Dates and Deadline to submit the CSU Application
- Application is $70 for each campus. If you qualify for the application fee wavier, you get up to four application fee wavier.
Transferring To A HBCU

HBCUs Transfer Guide/Resources for Students
Guarantees admission to all partner institutions.
Application fee waiver code available to the online Common Black College Application.
One Application for up to four participating partner schools.
Pre-transfer advisement by program staff and institution representatives.
Priority consideration for campus housing (when deadlines are met).
Priority consideration for scholarships for students with a 3.2 GPA or higher based on institutions' available funding.
What you need to do to apply to HBCUs
- Explore the HBCU Transfer Guarantee and start on step 1 on the HBCU Transfer for Students to complete the program application.
- When it is time to seek the guarantee, you and your counselor will complete the appropriate HBCU TAA forms.
- HBCU Application Deadlines
HBCUs Transfer Resources for Counselors
The goal of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Transfer Guarantee Project is to educate students about additional transfer opportunities at these institutions and develop pathways that will ultimately contribute to an increase in baccalaureate degree attainment.
California community college transfer students who meet specific requirements with a GPA of 2.0 or higher (Some partner HBCUs require a higher GPA) and, either an AA-T/AS-T or completion of 30 transferable semester units, are guaranteed transfer admission to participating HBCU partner schools.
*Students who qualify for this guarantee also receive an application fee waiver code when using the Common Black College Application to apply to the partner HBCU (four max).