Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is the campus office responsible for determining and providing required academic accommodations for students with disabilities. Use of services is voluntary and offered to assist students with disabilities who are attending Laney College.
A student may receive accommodations or services that include, but are not limited to:
- Exam accommodations
- Assessment for learning disabilities
- Alternate media
- Adaptive technologies
- Interpreter services
- Scribe/Reader
- Faculty liaison
- Priority registration
- Specialized counseling
- Specialized instruction and tutoring
- Success Workshops
- Abbreviated and Comprehensive Education Plans
Phone: (510) 464-3428
Email: sas.laney@peralta.edu
Building E, Room 251 (E251)
SAS Counselor/Coordinator &
Dept Chair- Learning Resources
Nathan Failing
Phone: (510) 464-3431
Email: nfailing@peralta.edu
Staff Assistant
Alex Cervantes
Phone: (510) 464-3428
Email: SAS.Laney@peralta.edu
Monday – Thursday
8:00am – 4:00pm
8:00am – 12:00pm
In-person and virtual appointments available.
High Tech Center | More Info --->>>
Adaptive Technology Specialist
Kim Cael
Phone: (510) 464-3427
Email: kcael@peralta.edu
Building E, Room 261 (E-261)
Test Proctoring | More info --->>>
SAS Test Proctor
Chelsey Young
(510) 464-3427
Email: LaneySASassessment@peralta.edu
Building E, Room 259 (E-259)
Accessing Student Accesibility Services
Additional Information
Step 1 - Complete An Application
Use this link to complete the electronic version of our application (please be sure to have access to your Peralta student portal)
If you cannot complete the electronic application, CLICK HERE for the fillable PDF version. Complete the application and email it to SAS.Laney@peralta.edu.
Step 2 - Verification of Your Disability or Medical Diagnosis
You can upload this during the electronic application process, or email it directly to us at SAS.Laney@peralta.edu
Documentation verifying a disability may include, but is not limited to:
- High school special education plans (IEPs)
- 504 Plans
- Medical records or reports;
- Psychological evaluations or assessments;
- LD testing from another California community college.
- Department of Rehabilitation Plan
Use these forms if you are requesting verification from a healthcare provider:
If you think you have a disability but do not currently have documentation, please complete the application and send it our way! You can discuss your situation with a counselor.
After we receive your information, we will reach out to book you an appointment with a counselor! We see students in person, virtually, or by phone.
Additional Forms:Returning Students
Returning Students can use ConexED to book an appointment for your accommodations, or contact us at (510) 464-3428 or SAS.Laney@peralta.edu
Additional Information
Accommodations for Classes at Other Peralta Colleges
Berkeley City College
(510) 981-2812
College of Alameda
(510) 748-2328
Merritt College
(510) 436-2429
Community Resoures
The Wellness Center provides a number of different health services to help students maintain physical, mental, and emotional health.
Email: LaneyWellnessCenter@peralta.edu
Laney Veterans Affairs
(provides financial and support services to veterans and veteran dependents who are eligible for benefits through the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.)
Phone: (510) 464-3339
Campus location: E-260
Laney Career Center
Resource guide for career and major exploration.
Making College Affordable: A Guide for Students with Disabilities
(A complete guide to college financing for students with disabilities. Find expert advice on loans, grants, and scholarships specifically for disabled students, as well as resources to help with the job search after graduation.)
Online Learning for Students with Disabilities
A guide to distance learning for students with disabilities.
Second Start Adult Literacy Program (Second Start offers a confidential setting in which adults with lower skill levels are able to get a “second start” at learning, for free)
125 14th St, Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 238-3432
Next Step Learning Center (adult literacy program serving older youth and adults in Oakland)
2222 Curtis St. at West Grand
Oakland, CA 94607
Phone: 510 251-1731
Fax: 510 251-8028
Department of Rehabilitation (a state agency that assists people with disabilities to work and live independently)
Oakland Office 1515 Clay Street, Suite 119
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 622-2764
Dept. of Rehabilitation Berkeley Office
3075 Adeline St Berkeley, CA 94703
(510) 883-6000
Center for Independent Living (a services and advocacy organization run by and for people with disabilities)
Berkeley Office
3075 Adeline St, Ste 100 Berkeley, Ca 94703 Voice 510-841-4776
TTY: (510) 848-3101
Video Phone: (510) 356-2662
Fax: (510) 841-6168
Email: info@cilberkeley.org
Center for Independent Living/Downtown Oakland office
1904 Franklin Street, Suite 320 Oakland, CA 94612
Voice: (510) 763-9999
TTY: (510) 444-1837
Fax: (510) 763-4910
Email: info@cilberkeley.org
Inclusive Community Resources ICR provides supported living services to consumers of GGRC and RCEB, clients of the Department of Labor, and private paying clients)
2001 Center Street, Suite 500
Berkeley, CA 94704
Tel: (510)981-8115
A Safe Place (provides battered victims and their children with safe shelter and resources to Oakland residents)
Crisis Line: (510) 536-SAFE
Phone: 510-986-8600
Fax: 510-986-8606
Mailing Address:P.O. Box 23006, Oakland, CA 94623-0006
West Oakland Health Center (medical, dental, mental health, substance abuse services)
700 Adeline Street, Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 835-9610
Alcoholics Anonymous (Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.)
Email: centraloffice@eastbayaa.org
Phone: 510-839-0709
AIDS Project of the East Bay (AIDS Project of the East Bay is a community based organization, dedicated to preventing the spread of HIV and supporting individuals infected with the virus through programs targeted at some of the most vulnerable and marginalized individuals in Alameda County.)
499 5th Street
(3rd floor) Suite 306
Oakland, California 94607
(510) 663-7979
Asian Health Services
(Serves the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community by ensuring access to health care services regardless of income, insurance status, immigration status, language, or culture)
818 Webster St Oakland, CA 94607
Medical Services (510) 986-6800
Child Protective Services
(The CPS is the major system of intervention of child abuse and neglect in California. Existing law provides for services to abused and neglected children and their families.)
401 Broadway, Oakland, CA
24 hour line to report abuse/neglect: (510)259-1800
Children’s Hospital (Specializes in children’s care. It’s the oldest pediatric medical center between Los Angeles and Seattle)
Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland
747 52nd Street
Oakland, California, 94609
Phone: 510-428-3000
East Oakland Health Center (medical, dental, mental health, substance abuse services)
7450 International Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94621
Phone: (510) 430-9401
Family Violence Law Center
(FVLC seeks to end family violence in Alameda County by providing support and advocacy for survivors of domestic violence)
470 27th Street Oakland,CA 94612
Phone: (510) 208-0220
Fax: (510) 208-3557
Email: info@fvlc.org
Narcotics Anonymous (Narcotics Anonymous (NA) members learn from one another how to live drug-free and recover from the effects of addiction in their lives) 24 HOUR HOTLINE: 510-444-HOPE (4673)
Bay Area Women Against Rape (provides 24-hour comprehensive services for survivors of sexual assault and their significant others)
470 27th Street Oakland
Oakland, CA 94611
24-hour Confidential Rape Crisis Hotline: (510) 845-7273
Office: (510) 430-1298
Fax: (510) 430-2579
San Leandro Shelter for Women and Children (Our programs include two emergency homeless shelters (55 beds); a domestic violence safe house (20 beds); 52 units of temporary and permanent supportive housing; a 24-hour crisis line; a children’s program; and a domestic violence outreach program.)
1395 Bancroft Ave.
San Leandro, CA 94577
Main Line: 510-357-0205
Fax: 510-357-0688
24-Hour Toll Free Crisis Line: 1-866-A-WAY-OUT
Disability Rights California
For resources, publications, and services for the disabled.
1330 Broadway Suite 500
Oakland, California
(510) 267-1200
Email: services@disabilityrightsca.org
Laney College Students With Disabilities Policy
It is the policy and practice of Laney College that otherwise qualified students having disabilities be authorized academic accommodations, adjustments, and auxiliary aids to ensure access and opportunity to all of the college services, programs, and activities.
Laney SAS was established to more fully accommodate the academic and support needs of students with disabilities as mandated by Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Alternate Media & Assistive Technology
The Alt Media Center provides the following services:
- E-Text from publisher: 4-6 weeks
- E-Text in house: 1 week per chapter
- Enlarged Textbook: 3-5 days
- Enlarged handouts: 1-3 days
- Enlarged Exams: 2 days
- Textile Graphics: 10 days
- Braille: Handouts – 10 days and Textbooks – 6 weeks
How to Access Alt-Media Services:
If you have accommodation for Alternate Media, please email the following:
- Your current Accommodation Letter from the SAS Counselor
- Current Class Schedule
- Textbook
- Receipt for the Textbook
- Class syllabus
Contact Info:
Alexandra Cipher
Alternate Media Technology Specialist
Phone: (510) 464-3427
Email: acipher@peralta.edu
Kim Cael (Office Zoom)
Adaptive Computer Learning Technician (Kurzweil 3000 & smart pen)
Phone: (510) 464-3427
Email: kcael@peralta.edu
At High Tech Center (E-261):
Monday-Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Please allow 20 minutes for student intake. The student will be required to sign a contract for services. Requests for alt. media materials should be submitted as soon as possible, preferably at the beginning of the semester. Every effort will be made to obtain materials in a timely manner.
High Tech Center
The High Tech Center at Laney College is dedicated to providing access to adaptive computer systems for students with learning challenges. Its purpose is to support students in transitioning to college-level academic and vocational classes by offering specialized tools and resources that enhance learning and accessibility.
The High Tech Center offers instruction in the use of adaptive software and equipment, including speech recognition, screen reading, image enlarging, Braille display, adaptive keyboards, and the following software applications:
- ClaroRead
- Sonocent
- Smart Pens
- Dragon Naturally Speaking (dictation)
- Google Docs/Voice Typing
- JAWS (screen reading software)
- Kurzweil 3000 (scan and read software to assist persons with reading difficulties)
- ZoomText (screen enlargement program)
SAS Computer Lab (HTC) Rules
- Students are limited to printing out 2 copies of their work, or 10 pages total per day
- No food, candy, gum, drinks, or loud noises.
- No bicycles or skateboards are allowed in the lab at any time
- Turn cell phones off while in the lab
- No changing of the computer desktop or any windows properties
- No installation of any software (unless directed by staff).
- The internet is available to help you with your coursework and not for casual web browsing.
- Always save your work to a USB drive or your email account
- Do not leave any trash or litter behind.
- Students are responsible for complying with all college regulations (as found in the catalog and student handbook)
Students who are eligible for specialized tutoring services at SAS can contact Kim Cael at (510) 464-3427, or email her at kcael@peralta.edu for an appointment.
Tutoring for all SAS students in Math and English is available in the High Tech Center, Mondays thru Thursdays. Please check the hours before arriving.

Contact Information:
Kim Cael
Adaptive Technology Specialist
Email: kcael@peralta.edu
Click here for Kim’s office
Room: E-261
Phone: (510) 464-3427
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00am -4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am -12:00pm
Test Proctoring
For Students
Notify Your Instructor:
Email your instructor to request extra time for your exam, specifying that you are a SAS (Student Accessibility Services) student.
Make sure to include the following:
- Your full name and student ID number.
- A copy of your Academic Accommodation Authorization. -
CC Laney SAS Assessment:
Copy (cc) the Laney SAS Assessment team on the email: laneyassessment@peralta.edu -
Report Issues:
If your exam does not show the extended time, inform the SAS team right away. -
Schedule Your Test:
Schedule your exam with SAS at least 5 days in advance.
Obtain a testing form from SAS and provide it to your instructor.
For Instructors
For Instructors:
Instructors with students eligible for testing accommodations (indicated by an asterisk on the Academic Accommodation Authorization Letter) should contact:
Chelsey Young
SAS Test Proctor
Email: laneysasassessment@peralta.edu
Exams can be submitted via email or in person.
Zoom Proctoring: Limited proctoring via Zoom is available with at least 5 days' notice.
Currently we are able to proctor via zoom on a very limited basis, and there have to be at least 5 days of advanced knowledge of the need to be proctored.
Contact Information:
Chelsey Young
SAS Test Proctor
Email: LaneySASassessment@peralta.edu
Room: E-261
Phone: (510) 464-3427
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00am -4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am -12:00pm
Deaf Services
The Deaf Services Program is designed to open doors to educational and occupational opportunities for Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Our primary purpose is to provide an opportunity for all individuals to gain maximum benefit from their educational experience. Services include tutoring, video closed captioning, and interpreter services.
Deaf Services Information:
Holly Vezina
District Interpreter Services Coordinator
Email: hvezina@peralta.edu
Voice: (510) 466-7389
Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:00AM - 3:30PM