


Alameda County Department of Social Services & Peralta Community College District

All Alameda County residents receiving aid through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, formerly Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), unless exempt or deferred for just cause, are required to participate in CalWORKs. The program is designed to provide opportunity, choice and support to TANF recipients in their efforts to obtain permanent and unsubsidized employment; designed to be more than just another government program, CalWORKs provides supportive services such as child care, transportation, and work or training related expenses.

Collaborative Efforts

To ensure quality programming, LaneyWORKs collaborates with all other Student Services programming on-campus, as well as, Instruction, Matriculation and Employment Services.  As a coummunity partner, we have strong alliances with:  Alameda County DSS, all other community colleges (12) within Region 3, local businesses for workforce development, the Workforce Investment Board (WIB), local Labor Market and Community Agencies as a way to expand our scope of service despite budgetary challenges.