
Industry Partnerships and Collaboration

Industry Partnerships and Collaboration

Partnerships and Collaboration

The project has a strong core of partners including Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, the California Energy Commission, Pacific Gas and Electric, East Bay public schools, engineering firms, technology and equipment manufacturers, contractors, building owners, and national industry, government, and educational associations and research networks. Equipment has been donated in the value of over $200,000 for Laney’s HVAC lab. Partners have offered internships, field trips, technical expertise, case studies, and curriculum review.

For more information, please contact Barbara Widhalm, NSF Project Manager, if you would like to become involved as a partner.


Center of Excellence in High Performance Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Education and Training

The Laney College ECT program has recently launched its Center of Excellence in High Performance Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Education and Training, as part of the Labs for the 21st Century Initiative, a joint effort of the US Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency.

In partnership with Labs 21, the Center will serve as a national resource for building technician education and training in high tech facility operations and maintenance (O&M).


Regional Collaboration and Peer Exchanges

The ECT program is playing an active role in sharing energy efficiency and HVAC curriculum and knowledge statewide and beyond. For example, on March 20, 2009, Laney hosted the first California Community Colleges Energy Efficiency and HVAC Symposium. 200 industry leaders, professionals, and educators – representing over 80 industry representatives, industry associations, community-based organizations, unions, university institutes, and high schools, 29 community colleges and 10 regional and state-wide community college centers, participated in this successful day. If you are interested in future peer exchanges and conferences, please contact Barbara Widhalm. A peer exchange for HVAC instructors is planned for early June of 2010.