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Steps To Enroll

Continuing Students

Steps For Student Success

1. See a Laney Counselor

  • See a counselor to complete your Educational Plan and get English, Math, Chemistry, and other prerequisite classes cleared.
  • If available, have a copy of your high school or college transcripts.
  • Phone: (510) 464-3152
  • Walk-in: Check online for the most up-to-date drop-in hours. Counseling is located on the 3rd floor of the Tower Building.

2. Enroll in Classes

  • Log into Student Portal to open Campus Solutions using your student ID number & password
  • Go to the Manage Classes tile to search and register for your classesa

You can go to the Welcome Center (Building A-101) for assistance, or enroll directly at the Laney Admissions & Records Office (Building A-109). You will need to provide your photo ID and the 5-digit class code for the classes you want to enroll in.

3. Pay Your Fees

  • Pay at the Cashier’s Office (Building A-201)
  • Or, go to the Financial Account tile in Campus Solutions to pay your fees
*Please note that to avoid your classes from being dropped, pay tuition within two weeks before the semester starts.

4. Get Your Student Photo ID Card & Semester Sticker

  • Bring a valid picture ID and your current class schedule as proof of enrollment to the Welcome Center [ext link] (Building A-101) and have your picture taken to be issued your student ID card and semester sticker.

5. Purchase your Textbooks

  • You can purchase your textbook at the Laney Bookstore located on the lower level of the Student Center or through the online bookstore.

Welcome Center

Assisting new and returning students navigate enrollment and access key student services. The Welcome Center provides support for setting up accounts, applying for financial aid, adding/dropping classes, and more.

Also offering information on student support services, scholarship opportunities, and photo ID services.