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Enrollment Services

Enrollment Services

We’re here to assist you with the application process, admissions-related requests, and records services to support you throughout your journey at Laney College. Our services include transcript requests, as well as assistance with obtaining degrees and certificates.

About Enrollment Services

Welcome to Laney College Enrollment Services Division.  The primary mission of our division is to facilitate student access and ensure student success at Laney.  In addition to the division office, additional departments that are tasks with our mission include the Admissions & Records, EOPS/CARE/NextUp – CalWORKs categorical programs and Financial Aid.  We also collaborate with college faculty, staff, administrators and other stakeholders so that prospective, returning, and continuing students can access learning opportunities, persist in their academic journey and succeed in their educational pursuit.

Admissions & Records Office:

The Admissions & Records Office caters to the needs of prospective and continuing students with admission and enrollment processes.  We also assist dual enrollment of students (in elementary, middle, high school and adult schools) in Laney courses.  Students who have graduated and need their records and transcripts can also get assistance from A&R staff.

EOPS/CARE/Next-Up – CalWORKs Categorical Programs:

Three of our EOPS Categorical programs (EOPS/CARE/NextUp) are designed to assist students who are disadvantaged by social, economic, educational or linguistic barriers get the resources they need to enroll and succeed at Laney College.  The programs provide comprehensive academic and support counseling, financial aid and other services aimed at student retention, persistence and completion of education and career goals.

The fourth categorical program, i.e., CalWORKs helps students on public assistance to get access to vital services such as work study, job placement, childcare, counseling services, skills training and much more while attending Laney College.

Financial Aid Office:

The Financial Aid Office supports prospective and current students of Laney to complete their financial aid applications i.e., FAFSA or CA Dream Act application in order to maximize the quality and quantity of financial aid that may be available to them from various sources.  Student Employment through Federal Work Study (FWS) and Learning Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) are also managed by the Financial Aid Office.  Student loan questions can also be answered by financial aid staff.

Please browse our office websites and other related links to explore the various opportunities available to you at Laney College.

Enrollment Tech Support


For Account Recovery & CCCApply Issues

Phone: (877) 247-4836
Email: support@openccc.net
TTY Phone Number (for the Hearing Impaired Only): (877) 836-9332


Email: Laneyadmissions@peralta.edu or visit the Laney A&R Office and provide them with your application confirmation number.


Email: admissions@peralta.edu
Include your name and student ID number.


Email: helpdesk@cc.peralta.edu
Include your name and student ID number.


Email: canvas@peralta.edu
Include your name and student ID number.

Phone: (844) 592-2199


General Admission:

How do I become a student at Laney College?
You will first need to create an OpenCCC account (if one has not already been created) so you can have access to complete and submit our online admission application. Click here to go to our General Admission/Enrollment Information page for more information about the registration and enrollment process.

If I have attended another college or university, do I have to submit my official transcript to attend Laney College?
We do not required you to submit transcripts from other institutions to become a student at Laney. However, if you wish to use those outside credits to clear prerequisites or to apply for a degree or certificate at our school, you will need to submit either an unofficial or official transcript. Please click here to consult with one of our counselors for more details.

How many units do I need to enroll in to be consider full-time?
During the spring or fall semester:
12 units or more is full-time
6-11 units is part-time
5 units or less is less than half-time
During the summer term:
10-12 units is full-time

Can I enroll in classes for the upcoming semester, if I owe fees for the current or past semesters?
No. All fees owe for past semesters or current semester need to be paid before enrolling for the upcoming semester.
If you cannot paid all your fees in one lump sum, click here to check out the Installment Payment Plan option. Under this contract you will be able to enroll in classes.

High School Special Enrollment:

What do I need to do in order to take classes at Laney College as a high school student?
You will need to create an OpenCCC account (if one has not already been created), so you can have access to complete and submit our online admission application. After, you will need to submit a completed High School Special Enrollment form to the Admissions and Records Office via laneyadmissions@peralta.edu or in person to room A-109. Click here to go to our High School Student page for more information about the high school registration and enrollment process.
If my high school counselor signs the Special Enrollment form, do I still need his/her initials next to my selected classes under the Authorized Class Schedule Selection?
Yes, the counselor will need to provide both a signature and their initials in the required designated areas (exceptions to this rule may be allowed due to Covid-19).
If a class is full, can I add to the waitlist?
No, a high school student or any special enrollment student cannot be added to a class’s waitlist.

Other Special Enrollment:
(Middle School, Elementary and Adult School Students)

What do I need to do in order to take classes at Laney College as a Special Enrollment student?
You will need to create an OpenCCC account (if one has not already been created), so you can have access to complete and submit our online admission application. After, you will need to submit a completed High School Special Enrollment form to the Admissions and Records Office via laneyadmissions@peralta.edu. Click here to get the appropriate form and more information about the registration and enrollment process.


I have finished or am in the process to finish my degree/certificate, how can I apply for my diploma?
The petitioning process is started with the counselor and is finalize and approved by the Admissions and Records Office. Click here to go to our Degree/Certificate page, where you can find the appropriate forms, deadlines and step-by-step instructions on how to begin the process.
How soon can I petition for my degree and/or certificate?
You can petition within the same semester you are finishing your degree/certificate’s requirements. Please consult a counselor to check if you have met the requirements to petition or to check on your progress toward meeting requirements. Also, click here to view our Degree/Certificate page to see the petition submission deadlines for the current and upcoming semesters in the academic year.
Can I petition for more than one degree and/or certificate?
Yes, as long as you meet the requirements for each degree and certificate, you can petition for multiples degrees and certificates during a semester. Consult with a counselor to see which degrees/certificates you qualify for.
How can I order a duplicate of my degree or certificate?
Click go our Degree/Certificate page to get instructions on requesting a duplicate.

Enrollment Verification:

How can I obtain an Enrollment Verification?
Fill out the Enrollment Verification Request form and submit to laneyadmissions@peralta.edu.
How early can I submit an Enrollment Verification?
Verification can only be requested for current or past semesters. If you wish to request one for a semester which has not started, please submit verification form on the first day of that semester or after. If we receive a request for a semester(s) which has not officially started, it will not be process and we will not be responsible for keeping track of early submissions.
How long does an Enrollment Verification take to process?
7 to 10 business days. We will do our best to process requests quicker than our regular processing time, but during peak registration requests can take up to 7 to 10 business days.
Note:  One-day processing is not an option, therefore make sure to submit requests within a reasonable time-frame that takes into account our processing time.

Non-Admissions Questions:

How can I apply for or check the status of my financial aid?
Click here to check out the Financial Aid Office page for more information.
Emergency Grant Program
The goal of the Emergency Grant Program is to support, “student persistence toward degree completion by removing unforeseen financial obstacles from their path, which if not resolved quickly, could cause students to abandon their plans for higher education.”  Funds are limited every semester.  And are awarded to students on a first come, first served basis.

Eligible students will:

  • Have Laney College as their home school
  • Be enrolled part-time or full-time in a certificate, associate or bachelor’s degree program at the time of the aid request.
  • Have a GPA of 2.0 or greater at the time of application approval.
  • Complete the online application provided by ECMC/Beam and upload supporting documentation of the financial need (i.e., required uninsured medical treatment, automotive repair estimate, documented notice of unexpected change in housing or utilities expense).
  • Benefit from having an expense paid with emergency aid through this program, not to exceed $500 during the life of the aid program.
  • Be entitled to use of the emergency aid funds with no expectation of repayment.
  • Company documentation/invoices must be in the applicant’s name. 

Emergency aid funds may:

  • Be approved for eligible expenses including, but not limited to, utilities, housing/rent, food, medical/dental, transportation and childcare.
  • Be awarded for the unexpected expenses of an eligible undergraduate regardless of how many credits the student has earned (there is no undergraduate credit minimum or maximum for this program).

Emergency aid funds may NOT:

  • Be used to cover school expenses (parking, fines, tuition, books, supplies, required tools/equipment, etc.).
  • Be used to pay prior balances owed to the school.
  • Be released without a completed application and supporting documentation.

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Contact Us

Dean of Enrollment Services
Lorena Lopez
Phone: 510-464-3413

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday
8:30am – 4:30pm

8:30am – 12:00pm

Laney College Enrollment (3)

Unlock Financial Aid for College Expenses

Explore the possibilities and find the financial resources you need to succeed.