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Faculty Evaluations

PURPOSE: Evaluation of faculty is consistent with the Community Colleges’ mission of educational excellence as required by Section 87663 of the Education Code (Ed Code). The purpose of the evaluation is to benefit the faculty member through peer review. The primary objective is to evaluate the faculty member’s effectiveness in relation to good teaching; currency in the field; department/discipline responsibilities; and effectiveness of service to students, the departments/disciplines, and the college. The evaluation is the joint responsibility of the Administrative Supervisor (referred to herein as Vice President or designee) and the department/discipline faculty. The most positive effects of the evaluation will be obtained at the department/discipline level and accrue to the individual. The evaluation should recognize the accomplishments of faculty, and make recommendations for correcting deficiencies.

Contact Info

Faculty Evaluation Coordinator
Staff Assistant- APASS

Huizhen( Joan) Su
Tower Building, Room 752 (T-752)
(510) 464-3208

Online Course Evaluations in Canvas

Requests for evaluation set-up in a Canvas course must be submitted by the instructor of the class being evaluated at least two weeks prior to being evaluated. This ensures that the instructor agrees to have an evaluator (faculty or administrator) visit their online class to conduct an evaluation and that the Help Desk has ample time to set up the evaluation. The Evaluator can be in the online course for ONE WEEK, so please note the agreed-upon week for access on the Help Desk ticket. Student evaluations can be open for up to TWO WEEKS. Finally, the Instructor may choose which module he/she would like to have evaluated and should communicate this to the Evaluator.
Video Guides

VIDEO: How to submit a Help Desk ticket



VIDEO: How to use Adobe Sign for Evaluation documents




VIDEO: How to do student evaluations online




Faculty Evaluation Handbook

Below you will find the handbook with all of the official rules regarding faculty evaluation.

Part One, on pages 11-29, covers tenure-track faculty evaluations.
Part Two is from pages 31 to 53, and it covers part-time and tenured faculty evaluations.


The Faculty Evaluation Handbook can also be found here on the Peralta Federation of Teachers website.

Evaluation Forms

Microsoft Form to submit all files:

Faculty evaluation submission form Fall 2024

Instructional Division Offices

Math Science Engineering icon Division of Math & Sciences

Dean of Instruction: Inger Stark, Ph.D. (T-707)
Contact: (510) 464-3224, istark@peralta.edu

Staff Assistant: Jane Decru (T-709)
Contact: (510) 464-3565, jdecru@peralta.edu

Liberal Arts icon Division of Liberal Arts

Dean of Instruction: Elizabeth (Beth) Maher (T-714)
Contact: (510) 464-3221 or (904) 990-3364, emaher@peralta.edu

Staff Assistant: Anh Nguyen (T-712)
Contact: (510) 464-3222, atnguyen@peralta.edu

Humanities icon Division of Humanities, Social Sciences, & Library

Dean of Instruction: Tarek ElJarrari (T-710)
Contact: (510) 464-3168, teljarrari@peralta.edu

Staff Assistant: Elena Sanchez (T-708)
Contact: (510) 464-3250, elenasanchez@peralta.edu

CTE icon Division of Career & Technical Education

Dean of Instruction: Alejandria Tomas (T-713)
Contact: (510) 464–3218, atomas@peralta.edu

Staff Assistant: Crystal Baasanjar (T-752)
Contact: bbaasanjav@peralta.edu

Senior Staff Services Specialist: Fang (Alisa) Huang (T-711)
Contact: (510) 464-3246, fhuang@peralta.edu

Kinesiology icon Division of Kinesiology, Athletics, Health Education & Counseling

Dean: TBD (T-811)
Contact: (510) 464-3294, @peralta.edu