
Dance Goals, Expectations & Etiquette

"Every Student Needs A Plan"

Dancers must be Disciplined & Focused

Dance Goals & Objectives:

  • First and foremost, love the body you have.
  • Take care of it by eating right, drinking plenty of water, exercising and getting enough rest/sleep.
  • Learning relaxation, to breathe normally while moving, and getting the body properly warmed up, before dancing.
  • Avoid going into any vigorous movement without thoroughly warming up or stretching your body.
  • Increase the realm of movement possibilities for each individual body, given its anatomical structure.
  • Increase one’s flexibility, strength, and control throughout the body by learning various techniques, style and characteristics of dance forms.

Develop skills in exploring using the elements of dance: time, space and energy.

  • Develop an ability to observe movement, maintain the observation and intelligently internalized it into your body.
  • When choreographing; use choreographic devices, principles and processes to communicate perceptions, images, motifs, symbolisms and thoughts.
  • To be encouraged to express and share personal creativity.
  • Compose creative and expressive statements through the art of performance.
  • Develop skills in spontaneous movement exploration and improvisation.

To develop skills to critically assess and evaluate works of dance and the performance of dancers based on learned aesthetic principles.

  • To develop an understanding and an appreciation of the historical & culture influences and contributions on and to dance.

To practice competencies in problem solving, communication skills and time management.

  • To develop an understanding and an appreciation of the diverse cultures within the class.
  • Develop an understanding and an appreciation of the various art forms of dance as well as to incorporate aesthetic arts into your everyday lives.

Class Expectations & Etiquette:

  • Respect yourself, this class, your elders and your peers. Be a living example of the golden rule.
  • Learn to follow directions. When asked to do something… just do it! Immediately& without whining!
  • Do not walk on the dance floor with street shoes. Use perimeter if you absolutely must.
  • For health and safety; no gum chewing is allowed while dancing.    
  • For class etiquette; no hats allowed on while dancing! (Males & Females) Costumes excepted with prior permission.
  • Make sure your phone is turned off while in dance class and do not charge it without permission.
  • No food or beverages allowed in the dance studio. Water bottles are allowed on the side .
  • Once class begins, DO NOT leave without notifying the instructor.
  • Do not use profanity. Use language appropriate for school, academic & learning environment.
  • Do not sit on the tables, return chairs taken from against the wall back to the wall.
  • Pass all assessments: written, verbal and movement.
  • To attend all scheduled rehearsals, on time, properly dressed and prepared to work.
  • To participate in any outside work (i.e. dance workshops, seminars, master classes).
  • To read all resource materials and handouts.
  • Exhibit critical listening and viewing skills at all times.
  • To turn in, on time all written assignments and projects.
  • Be positive, constructive, supportive, patient and honest at all times.
  • Always carry and present yourself with integrity, pride and dignity.
  • Avoid coming to class with a negative attitude.
  • Never give up or get lazy…physically or mentally!