Laney College

Letters of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation

I am happy to write academic letters of recommendation for those students who have worked hard and done well in my courses. It is important that you follow certain guidelines so that I will have time to write a letter that will enhance your application. I put a great deal of time and effort into my recommendations, and typically write letters for 40+ students each year. Expect to need to be a few months ahead of your due dates – this is important to you, so plan ahead.


  • Requests for letters needed July – December 2024 are due by May 10, 2024
  • Requests for letters needed January – June 2025 are due by November 27, 2024 
  • I may need to limit the total number of letters I write, so make your request as soon as you can
  • To secure a spot on my list, you must provide ALL the information needed (see below)


  • If I’ve written a letter for you previously, I can resubmit the same letter fairly quickly
  • If I will need to edit your previous letter in a significant way, such as for a different program, etc., I may need a few weeks to work it into my schedule, so please make those requests with as much lead time as possible, and provide the additional information I’ll need to make changes

The instructions below are for ACADEMIC letter requests. If you have a request for a letter for a scholarship or EOP, please consider asking a teacher outside of Anatomy & Physiology, as A&P teachers already get an overwhelming number of requests. If you want to ask me anyway, you must make it clear what the purpose of the letter is, and you are responsible for providing the information listed below, as well as the additional information that scholarship and EOP letters require (it is your responsibility to be aware of the requirements and send me the appropriate information).


  1. Send your request from the email address you want me to use to contact you if I have questions
    • do not use Canvas messaging for recommendation requests, email to
    • be sure to use the subject line “letter of recommendation”
    • All the required information should be attached in one document, or provided in the body of the email
    • you can expect an acknowledgement that I’ve received your request, but depending on the volume of requests that may take a few weeks
  2. Identifying information
    • Your full name, and the name you used in my class (if different)
    • The course(s) you took with me, and which semester
    • Grade earned, which I will verify with my records
    • A photo of you, especially if it’s been a year or more since you took a class with me
  3. Date your requested letter is due
    • If you have multiple requests, be sure to clearly note the EARLIEST due date
    • this should be the due date according to the school you are applying to, NOT your “preferred” date (this helps me appropriately prioritize many students)
  4. Which degree you are seeking, and the name of the specific program at each school to which you apply
    • If you apply to more than one type of program, I may elect to write one general letter that would work for all your programs
  5. A personal statement, indicating what led you to decide on your chosen field, and any other relevant information that may help me write a more personalized letter
    • Informative bullet points are perfect (I prefer this over a formatted essay/narrative)
    • Include highlights from your work in class – be specific, I will verify with my records
      • how involved you were with a lab group/study group AND how well you worked independently
      • how you did on critical thinking activities/exam questions (includes lecture exam bonuses, questions relating structure to function, specific class activities on critical thinking)
      • how you did on exams – consistently excellent? improved throughout the semester?
      • how you demonstrated integrity – using your own words on exams/assignments, honesty in all communication with instructor and fellow students, etc.
    • Include work/volunteer experience, whether related to health care OR your communication abilities, leadership skills, time management, etc.
  6. Provide an electronic way for me to submit your letter
    • Most applications use portals, where you provide my email and they send me the link to submit the recommendation
    • If your school does not use a portal, provide an email address where I can submit the recommendation
    • I do not send letters directly to students
    • You may not hear from me directly when I finish your letter, but I will submit it through the portal and you should be automatically notified
    • If it gets close to the due date (a few days or a week) and I haven’t submitted yet, feel free to email me a reminder
  7. You will likely need to fill in certain information about me for your application
    • My full name: Rebecca L.C. Bailey
    • my title:  Biology Department Co-Chair
    • phone #:  (510) 464-3295
    • e-mail:
    • school/address:  Laney College, 900 Fallon St., Oakland CA 94607