The mission of the English Department is to cultivate, enhance and sharpen students' abilities to think critically and creatively about themselves and the world. It aims to empower students to use the English language as a tool for personal growth and social justice.
Department Overview
At Laney College, the English Department serves as the cornerstone of academic excellence for all students. As a key collaborator with every department on campus, we inspire students to read, write, and think critically, encouraging them to explore their identities through the written word. Our curriculum spans diverse literary works, offering students a deeper understanding of our shared humanity. By engaging with various textual modalities within historical and cultural contexts, students gain a broader perspective of the world and an appreciation for the richness of our diverse experiences.
Career Opportunities
An English major is an excellent choice for students considering careers in:
- Public Relations
- Law
- Business
- Advertising
- Education/Teaching
- Publishing
- Technical Communication
- Writing & Editing — or any career where strong writing and reasoning skills are required.
A bachelor’s degree in English is very broad and is sufficient for entry-level positions in business and industry, as well as in areas such as entertainment, radio and television commentary, and museum work. English can lead to many different career paths, so it is important to identify an area of interest and plan to gain the right skills, experiences, and credentials to enter that field.
A major in English is also good preparation for continued graduate or professional training in areas such as English, law, political science/government, public administration, communications, religious studies (e.g., seminary).
Reading & Writing Resources
UNC Writing Center — Their ‘handouts’ offer strong, updated advice for astute reading and writing, categorized and very thorough. Here is their excellent ‘handout’ on Annotated Bibliographies: http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/annotated-bibliographies/
The OWL: Online Writing Lab at Purdue University — the ‘traditional’, very useful web-based resource for college writing
Rhetoric and Composition — an open access, Creative Commons-licensed online writer’s guide
They Say / I Say — a key rhetoric/writing text that shows great examples of how to phrase ideas with respect to ongoing public discourse. 4th Edition, with Readings.
Literature & Creative Writing Resources
Project Gutenberg: TONS of FREE online books, including literary classics
Poets.org: GOBS of poetry, poets’ biographies and critical essays
Poets & Writers: Resources for writers including suggestions on publishing
Short Story ideas: Fun, quick way to get a ‘nudge’ toward dreaming up a story idea
Which English Class Should I Take?
You have options, depending on your priority.
- If you are preparing to transfer or earn a degree or certificate, then focus on the Composition and Reading sequence. Academic Counseling will advise you about choosing either ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AS:
English 1A (Composition and Reading — emphasis on expository essays — required for transfer and Associate’s degrees)
English 1AS (Composition and Reading WITH SUPPORT — counts the same as ‘regular’ 1A, but includes extra student-support components and a little more time for working on assignments during class)
- After completing 1A with a C or better grade, transfer-bound students can complete their last transfer-requirement English class:
English 005 (Critical Thinking) – AND / OR –
English 1B (Composition and Reading — Literature)
- If you’re looking to improve your writing skills and do some guided reading with a group of like-minded students, check out the 200-level literature courses (ENGL 230A/B or ENGL 231) or creative writing courses (English 210A/B).
- If you want to major In English, or pursue reading and/or writing in a serious manner, creatively or professionally, then consider literature and creative writing courses numbered below 100, such as ENGL 010A/B – Creative Writing, ENGL 031 – African-American Literature, ENGL 030A – Intro to (Early) American Literature, and ENGL 030B – Intro to (Modern) American Literature.
Contact Us
Department Chair
Chris Weidenbach
Email: cweidenbach@peralta.edu
Elizabeth Maher
Email: emaher@peralta.edu
Learning & Career Pathway
Language & Communication
Liberal Arts
Building ?, Room ??? (G-140)
Degree & Certificate
This Certificate ensures necessary skills in fundamentals of English composition and research for students enrolled in composition courses.
This degree is designed to prepare students for a seamless transfer with junior status and priority admission to their local CSU campus to a program or major in English or similar major for completion of a baccalaureate degree.

Student Run Publication
The Citizen amplifies community voices while holding those in power accountable. They aim to foster the growth of student journalists while giving full representation of Peralta's complex and diverse community.
Unlock Financial Aid for College Expenses

Laney College's AA-T and AS-T degrees guarantee junior standing admission to the CSU system, with priority for local CSU campuses in similar programs. Consult a counselor or transfer specialist for details.
Counselors can help you create a Student Educational Plan (SEP) to outline the courses needed for an Associate’s degree, transfer, or certificate, even if you're unsure of your educational goals.
We provide support with career exploration, self-assessment as well as the major and career decision making process to help all Laney students achieve career satisfaction and success.