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Common Course Numbering

AB 1111

California’s AB 1111 law, also known as the Common Course Numbering (CCN) System, was enacted to standardize course numbers across California Community Colleges (CCCs).


  1. Simplify the transfer process for students moving between community colleges or transferring to four-year institutions by ensuring that equivalent courses have the same number across all CCCs. 
  2. Improve course articulation, reduce confusion, and support student mobility by addressing issues where students previously struggled to identify comparable courses across campuses. 

CCCO website —>>>

Questions? Contact the Laney AB 1111 lead, Kyla Oh, at koh@peralta.edu

The implementation of AB 1111 is broken into three phases:

Phase I (7 courses) in Laney Course Catalog by Fall 2025:

PCCD/Laney College course New CCN
ENGL 1A Composition and Reading ENGL C1000 Academic Reading and Writing
ENGL 1AS  Composition and Reading w/Support ENGL C1000E Academic Reading and Writing (with embedded support)
ENGL 5 Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing ENGL C1001 Critical Thinking and Writing
COMM 1A Introduction to Speech COMM C1000 Introduction to Public Speaking
MATH 13 Introduction to Statistics STAT C1000 Introduction to Statistics
PSYCH 1A Introduction to General Psychology PSYC C1000 Introduction to Psychology
POSCI 1 Government and Politics in the U.S.  POLS C1000 American Government and Politics
  • Note the C prefix indicates the course is part of the Common Course Number system.

Phase II (approximately 21 courses) in Course Catalog by Fall 2026:

Subject Course Title Potentially affected PCCD/Laney College course New CCN (TBD)
History U.S. History to 1877 HIST 7A  
  U.S. History from 1865 HIST 7B  
English Introduction to Literature ENGL 30A  
  Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking Through Literature    
Economics Microeconomics ECON 2  
  Macroeconomics ECON 1  
Art History Survey of Western Art for Prehistory through the Middle Ages  ART 2  
  Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Contemporary  ART 3  
Biology Human Anatomy    
  Human Anatomy with Lab  BIOL 2  
  General Survey Biology with no Lab    
Chemistry Introduction to Chemistry  CHEM 30A  
  General Chemistry for Science Majors Sequence A (one-year sequence and includes two courses) CHEM 1A  
  General Chemistry for Science Majors I, with Lab (first semester course of the one-year sequence) CHEM 1B  
Math Single Variable Calculus I Early Transcendentals MATH 3A  
  Single Variable Calculus I Late Transcendentals MATH 3A  
  Single Variable Calculus II Early Transcendentals MATH 3B  
  Single Variable Calculus II Late Transcendentals MATH 3B  
Astronomy Astronomy with Lab    
Anthropology Introduction to Biological Anthropology ( with lab) ANTHRO 1L/1  
Communication Interpersonal Communication COMM 20  
Sociology Introduction to Sociology SOC 1

Phase III (approximately 50 additional courses) in Course Catalog by Fall 2027: All TBD

AB 928

AB 928 introduces the California General Education Transfer Curriculum (CalGETC), a single general education pathway that will replace both IGETC and CSU GE Breadth. This unified system reduces required units and simplifies the transfer process for students moving to CSU or UC, eliminating the need to meet different requirements for each system.

Additionally, this change impacts the ADTs, aligning their general education requirements with CalGETC to further streamline the transfer process. The goal is to make it easier for students to earn their ADTs and ensure a smoother transition to four-year institutions, regardless of whether they are transferring to a CSU or UC.