Instructional Media Center (IMC)
The Office of Business and Administrative Services provides financial and operational services to support institutional goals and the college mission, with a commitment to student learning at Laney College.
IMC Services Provided
- Single- and double-sided copies
- Black and White copies
- Limited color copying
- Three-hole punch, binding (staples only), and lamination
- Scanning documents to PDF format
- Course work production
- Secured test and exam copying
Requesting Services
All orders are processed on a “first come, first served” basis. To request service please email IMC Job Request Form and documents to the copy center:
Please consider the following before submitting your request:
- Please submit copy requests two weeks before the start of the semester
- All requests over 20 original pages require a Dean’s approval
- All requests for over 20 copies require a two-day wait and Dean’s approval
- All flyers must include a non-discrimination statement
- All copies of student work must have written permission from the student to be copied
- The IMC only prints copies for use in the classroom. We do not print anything containing personal information
- Students can only pick up copies when IMC staff is notified in advance
- Name of TAs should be sent to IMC staff at the beginning of the semester
- Students cannot request copies for teachers under any circumstances (excluding: Student workers for Health, Welcome Center, etc…)
- If you need a copy of a story or a book published by a teacher, the approval of the dean is needed
- Submit only “copy-ready” documents. IMC staff cannot copy directly from bound sources or websites.
- Tests and exams have no hold period they are first come, first serve
- ONLY instructors can pick up exams
- All documents submitted for copying must be in compliance with copyright law (see guidelines below)
- All copy requests of secondary sources must include a copyright form at the time the request is submitted
Other Campus Copying Options
- Tower Building – T-450 (Faculty Lounge)
- Tower Building – T-213
- Tower Building – T-805
- Tower Building – T-706
- Tower Building – T-301
Contact Info
Laney Instructional Media Center
900 Fallon Street, Library ( L-115)
Oakland, CA 94607
IMC is located on the Lower Level of the Library ( L-115)
Staff Contact
Augustin Rodriguez
(510) 464-3489
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00am – 4:30pm