The discipline of psychology is concerned with defining, explaining, predicting and influencing human behavior.
Department Overview
The Psychology Department at Laney College offers a rich variety of courses that support our state-approved Associate of Arts for Transfer (AA-T) degree, which guarantees students who earn the degree and who meet the minimum eligibility requirements admission to a California State University, but not necessarily to a particular program or major.
Course offerings include Introduction to General Psychology, Psychology of Childhood, Lifespan Development, Human Sexuality, Social Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, and Introduction to Research methods in Psychology. Through these courses, students acquire a solid foundation of knowledge about human behavior and the manifold influences of environmental , biological, social and cultural factors and forces.
Career Opportunities
No matter what your career choice may be, or whether you are exploring your options, having a solid understanding of the human mind and behavior can only be beneficial in any of line of work.
The following are just some of the many psychology-related job titles that you might want to explore. Some are directly in the field of psychology, while others require additional training in another field or specialty area:
- Academic Counselor
- Advanced Psychiatric Nurse
- Advertising Agent
- Animal Trainer
- Animal Researcher
- Case Worker
- Child Care Worker
- Child Psychologist
- College Admissions Counselor
- Community Counselor
- Counseling Psychologist
- Correctional Treatment Specialist
- Criminal Investigator
- Crisis Counselor
- Cognitive Psychologist
- College Admissions Officer
- College Recruiter
- Customer Service Agent
- Developmental Psychologist
- Editor
- Education Administrator
- Educational Psychologist
- Elementary School Teacher
- Employment Interviewer
- Employment Recruiter
- Environmental Psychologist
- Experimental Psychologist
- Family and Marriage Therapist
- Financial Aid Counselor
- Grief Counselor
- Guidance Counselor
- Human Resources Advisor
- Human Resources Manager
- Journalist
- Lawyer
- Library Assistant
- Market Researcher
- Media Consultant
- Mental Health Coordinator
- Military Psychologist
- Music Therapist
- Neurologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Physician
- Police Officer
- Public Opinion Surveyor
- Probation Officer
- Psychiatric Social Worker
- Psychosocial Rehabilitation Worker
- Public Relations Agent
- Publishing Agent
- Psychiatric Aide
- Psychiatrist
- Recreational Therapist
- Rehabilitation Counselor
- Research Assistant
- School Counselor
- Secondary School Teacher
- Science Writer
- Social Psychologist
- Social Services Specialist
- Social Worker
- Statistician
- Substance Abuse Counselor
- Technical Writer
- University Psychology Professor
- Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
- Youth Counselor
Based upon this list of psychology careers, you can see that employment opportunities can be quite diverse. Some careers require only a certificate (ex. Foster Care and/or Child Care Licensure), some require a bachelor’s degree in psychology, while others will require more advanced degrees such as a master’s or doctorate. Spend some time researching different options, meet with a counselor and learn more about what you will have to do to enter those fields.
Contact Us
Department Co-Chairs
Felipe Wilson
Email: felipewilson@peralta.edu
Blake Johnson
Email: bsjohnson@peralta.edu
Tarek ElJarrari
Email: teljarrari@peralta.edu
Area of Interest
Culture & Society
This Degree is designed to prepare students for a seamless transfer with junior status and priority admission to a local CSU campus to a program or major in Psychology or similar major for completion of a baccalaureate degree.
Unlock Financial Aid for College Expenses

Laney College's AA-T and AS-T degrees guarantee junior standing admission to the CSU system, with priority for local CSU campuses in similar programs. Consult a counselor or transfer specialist for details.
Counselors can help you create a Student Educational Plan (SEP) to outline the courses needed for an Associate’s degree, transfer, or certificate, even if you're unsure of your educational goals.
We provide support with career exploration, self-assessment as well as the major and career decision making process to help all Laney students achieve career satisfaction and success.