Professional Development

Professional Development

August 16, 2024 Fall Start of Semester Flex Day
Click on the link below for the Flex Day presentation slides and recordings
August 16, 2024 Flex Day Slides and Recordings

Laney College’s Professional Development Committee seeks to support the College’s Educational Master Plan by supporting the intellectual and professional growth of faculty and staff.

The Professional Development Committee’s responsibilities are summarized in the PFT Contract language describing the responsibilities of the chair: The PD Committee “shall plan, develop, initiate, [and] co-ordinate [sic] the College’s collaborative/special projects and college-wide activities and be generally responsible for the overall improvement of skills, knowledge, and morale of all segments of the College community.” (Article 25.D.2.g)

Conferences & Other Funds
Conference funds provide opportunities for faculty and staff to attend seminars, workshops, and conferences.  Funds are related to teaching and learning, job enhancement, and professional development.  Details on how to apply are on the page “How to Apply for PD Funds”, linked at the left.

Examples of acceptable activities include:

  • attendance at off-campus professional conferences, workshops, and seminars.
  • department/discipline on-campus workshops and seminars–including honorarium payments for guest speakers.
  • visiting other colleges or industry settings to review exemplary programs.
  • tuition reimbursement for a course(s) related to discipline or work area.
  • subscription to scholarly journal and/or academic association.

This is where/when we consider requests for approval. The meetings are open to everyone at Laney, but only committee members are obligated to attend.

Please Apply Well In Advance
Faculty members seeking funds will need to submit requests well in advance of any class, conference or other activity —

How far in advance?
We need to receive completed requests prior to one of our regular meetings scheduled at least four weeks before the date your event/class begins.

If you are requesting an advance or third-party payment, lead-times of two to three months for in-state, out-of-state, and international travel will apply, with the clock starting on the day of our committee meeting.  For events occurring in the summer, we must have the request by at least our last committee meeting of the spring semester.

Lead-Time for out-of-state travel, third-party payment or travel advances:
For faculty who want to travel out-of-state, or apply for funding in advance, or for the College to pay for a conference registration in advance, the Laney PD committee needs to receive the completed request early enough to consider it for approval at one of our regular meetings, and send it to the District for Board of Trustees approval at one of their regular meetings. The required lead-time depends on the schedule of the Board, but our committee usually needs to see your request at one of our meetings at least eight weeks prior to any events involving out-of-state travel.

For more information and assistance with completing travel forms contact Pak Ho in the Business Office,, (510)464-3378, T-216.

A maximum of $1000 per faculty member is available for the academic year ending June 30th, 2024.

These numbers are subject to change depending on the status of our budget.