
Laney College Faculty Senate



The Laney Faculty Senate Laney-Senate-Constitution-2024 was last revised in March 2024. Listed dates are the dates on which the resolutions were adopted (or amendments ratified) by the Laney Faculty Senate.

March 2024

Length of terms

Article V All senate officers shall serve terms of one (changed to two) fiscal year.

Article VII B. All senate representatives shall serve terms of one (changed to two) fiscal year.


Article VII B. 4 Senate representatives shall, as much as possible, have overlapping terms, some being elected in odd numbered years and the rest in even numbered years. In case a Senator is selected to fill a vacancy, the term served will be that of the Senator replaced.

Amendments 2017–18

  • April, 2018: Amendment — Change the number of Hourly (Part-Time) Faculty representatives from 2 to 4
    • In accordance with Article X Section A (The Amending Process), a motion was made to amend Articles III, VII.A.1, and VII.A.6 at the request of more than 15 members of the electorate. The proposal was ratified by more than 2/3 of the votes by secret ballot. The constitution was amended as follows:
      • Article III: The Senate shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, District Academic Senate (DAS) Representative and one representative for each six regular contract (permanent) faculty during the semester in which an election is held. Hourly faculty shall be represented by two (2) four (4) elected representatives.
      • Article VII.A.1: The total electorate shall be divided into four areas: Liberal Arts, Service (non-teaching), Vocational and Hourly Faculty (two four representatives). For the Liberal Arts and Vocational areas (programs), the electorate shall be divided into their teaching departments; for the Service area, the electorate shall be arranged in alphabetical order and then divided into groups of electorate that are in number no less than six and as close as possible to multiples of six.
      • Article VII.A.6: Hourly faculty shall elect two four representatives college-wide.

Amendments 2015–16

  • May 3, 2016: Amendment — Article VII
    • In accordance with Article X Section A (The Amending Process), on April 5, 2016, a motion was made to amend Article VII.A.6 at the request of more than 15 members of the electorate. The proposal was ratified by more than 2/3 of the votes by secret ballot on May 3, 2016. The constitution was amended as follows: Hourly faculty shall elect two four representatives college-wide.