Technology Planning Committee
- Participatory Governance & Workgroups
- Constituent & Leadership Advisory Bodies
- Executive Councils & Committees
- Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)
- Career Technical Education Advisory Committee
- Classified Prioritization Committee
- College Council
- Curriculum Committee
- Distance Education Committee
- Facilities Planning Committee
- Faculty Prioritization Committee
- Health, Safety & Security Committee
- Learning Assessment Committee
- Instructional Equipment & Library Materials Committee
- Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)
- Professional Development Committee
- Strategic Enrollment Management Committee
- Student Support & Equity Committee
- Technology Planning Committee
Through review and discussion, establish a uniform and integrated structure for considering information technology matters in order to advise the President and the College Council in making strategic management decisions involving information technology. This includes technology recommendations from other college committees and/or campus groups affecting the college as a whole.
Chris Moore, Director of IT
Evelyn Moreno
MinhAn Nguyen
2nd Thursdays
1:30pm – 3:00pm, Zoom/T-750
College Council
- Document and assess the current state of technology utilization and staffing.
- Assist the college in developing a strategic technology plan.
- Review and make recommendations on strategic planning for the college’s information technology resources.
- Identify, prioritize, and recommend areas for expansion, access, and maintenance of technology utilization to enhance instructional programs,student services, and the management of the college.
- Identify, prioritize, and recommend both on-going and specialized training needs for maximum utilization of technological resources.
- Identify, prioritize, and recommend staffing for technology usage.
- Collect, evaluate, prioritize, and recommend technology proposals for implementation.
- Recommend funding strategies and priorities for technology spending
- Advise the District Technology Committee about the information technology needs and concerns of Laney College; receive and provide regular reports from the District Technology Committee, review and respond as appropriate.
- Collaborate with the Distance Education Committee to support faculty and students with technology needs.
Membership 2024 - 2025
Evelyn Moreno | Co-Chair/Classified/ Student Success & Equity |
Minhan Nguyen | Co-Chair/Faculty/Counseling |
Christopher Moore | Co-Chair/Admin/Director of IT |
Vina Cera | Faculty/ Media Communications |
Reginald Constant | Faculty/Libarian |
Judy Wong | Faculty/ESOL Instructor/DE Co-Coordinator |
Chanda Brewer | Classified |
Irina Rivkin | Faculty/Counseling Student Accessibiliy Services |
Darjaa (Dave) Davaadalai | Student Representative |
Luis Soberanis-Pachecho | Student Representative |