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Facilities Planning Committee

To ensure effective utilization of college facilities that support educational programs and services, the Facilities Planning Committee reviews and makes recommendations on all facilities matters – including both long-term and short-term facilities changes such as new construction or remodeling of current facilities; establishing partnerships within the community regarding local development, reviewing funding, and setting priorities for facilities projects.

Ashish Sahni, Vice President Administrative Services

Mary Catherine Bassett, Faculty

1st Monday
3:00pm – 5:00pm

*Exceptions: 10/19, 2/22, 4/19, 5/17

College Council

  • Recommends policies and develops procedures for submission of physical changes and/or utilization changes of facilities.
  • Receives and reviews submissions and presentations for all proposed facility changes and/or utilization.
  • Evaluates and documents the assignment of facilities with respect to the adequacy for programs.
  • Integrates program review results/Educational Master Plan updates into the College’s Facility Master Plan annually.
  • Monitors ongoing projects and communicates updates regarding campus facilities.
  • Develops and facilitates collaboration and communication between the Laney FPC and the District

Co-Chair: Ashish Sahni

Co-Chair: Mary Catherine Bassett

Marla Leech

Emily Quach

Myron Franklin, Laney ASLC Student

Facilities Master Plans
Facilities Condition Index (FCI) – District-wide

The Foundation for California Community Colleges (FCCC) performed a complete Facilities Condition Index (FCI) for Peralta Colleges and District offices in Fall 2016. The report from December 2016 was made available to the district and campuses in Spring 2017. The data entered into FUSION is detailed in the report. The Report Table is a summary of the FCI data for each building, which can also be found in the full report.