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Institutional Effectiveness Committee

To ensure that the college’s strategic planning process is sound, collaborative, evidence-based, and sustainable; and that the Strategic Plan guides decision-making and activities that support the improvement of institutional effectiveness and both student learning and success.

As a key component of achieving the goals outlined in the Strategic Plan, the integrated planning and resource allocation model, coupled with ongoing
reviews of programs and services, provides systematic data-driven information that allows the college to examine the overall effectiveness of the institution. Therefore, the Committee is responsible for ensuring:

  • Ongoing and systematic evaluation of identified goals and planning to refine key processes and improve student learning.
  • Dialogue about institutional effectiveness is ongoing, robust, and pervasive.
  • Data and analyses are widely communicated and used throughout the institution.
  • Ongoing review, evaluation, and adaptation of planning processes.
  • Consistent and continuous commitment to improving student learning and success.
  • Educational effectiveness is a demonstrable priority in all planning structures and processes.

Rebecca Opsata
Email: ropsata@peralta.edu

Heather Sisneros
Email: hsisneros@peralta.edu

1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursdays
3:00-4:30 p.m., in the Laney Best Center (in-person) and via Zoom

Check Laney’s BoardDocs site for the Zoom link.

  • Inform and engage the campus community in strategic planning.
  • Evaluate all progress on the Strategic Plan and the strategic planning process annually and recommend revisions as appropriate.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the college’s planning and resource allocation model and participatory governance committees and recommend revisions as appropriate.
  • Validate and provide feedback on the quality of program review documents submitted by the reviewing units.


Vice President of Instruction Rebecca Opsata
Classified/Faculty/Student Heather Sisneros



Administrators At-Large David Lee - Spring 2025
Inger Stark - Fall 2024
Faculty Senate
President (or designee)
Leslie Blackie
Faculty Chair
Rebecca Bailey
Faculty Chair
John Reager and/or
Laurie Allen Requa
At-Large (2)
Lilian Chow
Abraham Reyes
Classified Senate
President (or designee)
Research Analyst Clifton Coleman
At-Large (2)
Lewis Thrower
ASLC President (or designee)  
Student At-Large  
Coordinator (during appointment)

Administrators are appointment for 2 years by the College President. Faculty are appointed for 2 years by the Faculty Senate President. Classified Professionals are appointed for 2 years by the Classified Senate President. Students are appointed for 1 year by the ASLC President.

The non-administrative co-chair is chosen by the committee for a 2-year term. The position is to rotate among Classified, Faculty, and Students.

All 2-year appointments are to staggered as much as possible to ensure continuity.

Absence Policy

After two (2) unexcused absences, the chair will notify the constituency group leadership for possible reappointment.