Career Technical Education Advisory Committee
- Participatory Governance & Workgroups
- Constituent & Leadership Advisory Bodies
- Executive Councils & Committees
- Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)
- Career Technical Education Advisory Committee
- Classified Prioritization Committee
- College Council
- Curriculum Committee
- Distance Education Committee
- Facilities Planning Committee
- Faculty Prioritization Committee
- Health, Safety & Security Committee
- Learning Assessment Committee
- Instructional Equipment & Library Materials Committee
- Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)
- Professional Development Committee
- Strategic Enrollment Management Committee
- Student Support & Equity Committee
- Technology Planning Committee
As a standing committee of the Laney College Faculty Senate, the CTE Advisory Committee represents CTE instructors and administrators throughout Laney College. The committee advises the Laney Community of its efforts to analyze community workforce needs, provide programs to meet those needs, and help students develop the skills to thrive in the workplace and the self-direction to achieve their individual goals.
As a key component of advising the Laney College Administration of the needs and concerns of CTE programs and services, The responsibilities of the Committee include but are not limited to the following:
- Funding of CTE programs through the college budget, government and private grants, and community and business partnerships
- Maintenance of CTE facilities
- Faculty, classroom, clerical, and technical support for CTE programs
- Planning and implementing short-term and long-range goals for college-wide CTE programs
- Review proposals for new CTE courses and programs, course and program revisions, and deactivations
- Cultivating and sustaining a regionally recognized and student-friendly environment for CTE students that includes outreach and recruitment, enrollment assistance, individual program/course counseling, assessment, skills training for job seekers, internship and job placement, and other support
Karl Seelbach
Eleni Gastis
2nd Mondays
4:00pm – 5:30pm in G130 or via Zoom
As a key component of advising the Laney College Administration of the needs and concerns of CTE programs and services, the responsibilities of the Committee include but are not limited to the following:
- Funding of CTE programs through the college budget, government and private grants, and community and business partnerships
- Maintenance of CTE facilities
- Faculty, classroom, clerical, and technical support for CTE programs
- Planning and implementing short-term and long-range goals for college-wide
CTE programs
- Review proposals for new CTE courses and programs, course and program revisions, and deactivations
- Cultivating and sustaining a regionally recognized and student-friendly environment for CTE students that includes outreach and recruitment, enrollment assistance, individual program/course counseling, assessment, skills training for job seekers, internship and job placement, and other support
Membership and Terms of Office
Membership shall be composed of faculty members from across the divisions who are involved with CTE programs. Term of office shall be two years with half the representatives elected or appointed every two years. There will be no limit on the total number of times a person may serve on the committee, but no person shall serve more than two consecutive terms.
Appointments or elections shall be held by May of each year for the following academic year.
The chairperson shall be elected from among and by committee members by May for the following academic year.
The term of office for chair is 2 years. There will be no limit on the total number of times a person may serve as chairperson, but no person shall serve more than two consecutive terms.
All members of the committee shall be voting members.
If an elected or appointed position becomes vacant during the school year, or a member becomes inactive, the chairperson will appoint a replacement to fulfill the remaining term.
Regular meetings shall be held at least once a month during the academic year but may set additional meetings as needed.