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Student Support and Equity Committee

The Student Support and Equity Committee (SSE) will advance the visions and goals of the Laney College EMP/SEM/Student Equity Plans and the State Chancellor’s Vision for Success. The purpose of the SSE Committee is to provide a platform for communication and collaboration across the College that will result in coordinated efforts toward the Educational Master Plan, Strategic Enrollment Management Plan, and Equity Plans with an equity lens.

Lily Espinoza
Email: lespinoza@peralta.edu

Kyla Oh
Email: koh@peralta.edu

1st Thursdays
1:30PM – 3:30PM in T-850

  • Facilitate the alignment of college initiatives that promote student success and reduce equity gaps for disproportionately impacted communities with the State Chancellor’s Vision for Success goals.
  • Provide a venue for dialogue so as to fully inform and integrate onboarding and retention efforts toward student success.
  • Support institutional collaboration and alignment of the Laney College Guided Pathway and Student Equity Plans.
  • In partnership with the Budget Advisory Committee, review initiatives and programs funded through the Student Equity and Achievement Program.

Current Membership




2022 – 2025 Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Equity Plan Documents:

22 – 25 Equity Plan Progress

22 – 25 Nova SEA Equity Plan

22 – 25 Equity Plan Overview

First-Year Pathways Programs

Faculty and staff across the curriculum have some together through the Foundation Skills Committee to develop and implement Pathways programs to meet the needs of foundation skills students according to their assessment results and goals.  These learning communities are strategically designed to provide powerful learning experiences in which students can acquire the skills they need to succeed. 

Archived Equity Plans & Strategic Directions
Funded Proposals